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Full speaker line up and venue details for May 20th FuturePub event

John · May 11, 2014

We have an amazing line up of speakers for #futurepub 2 on May 20th, with a strong emphasis on communication and accessibility in science.

The six speakers are:

Cheyne Tan photo

Cheyne Tan, Co-founder and MD of BlikBook

Founded in 2010, BlikBook is a platform which connects students and their lecturers to help raise student engagement and encourage interaction, without increasing the workload on lecturers. Now in use at universities worldwide, Cheyne will give an overview of how BlikBook works, and discuss how it fits into the wider changes in science and education.

Joseph McArthur photo

Joseph McArthur, Co-founder of the Open Access Button and Pharmacology Student at UCL

The Open Access Button lets scientists raise a virtual flag whenever they hit a paywall blocking access to research. Joseph is one of the co-founders, and will give a quick overview about what the Open Access Button is, the work that has been done since launch and extend an invitation to connect and work with people doing similar work in London.

Lou Woodley photo

Lou Woodley, Co-founder of MySciCareer and writer of 'Social in silico'

Recently launched, MySciCareer is a regularly updated resource of first-person stories about their science careers, to help spread the word on the diverse opportunities now available to scientists. Social in Silico is a project investigating how people, science and technology connect. Lou will talk a bit about both, and how they tie into science communication as a whole.

Richard Smith photo

Richard Smith, Founder of Nowomics

Nowomics is a new website to help life scientists keep up with the latest information relevant to their research. Richard has been building software for biologists for over a decade, and his previous project was InterMine, a biological data warehouse system used at several major academics sites. Hearing many times from biologists that it was hard to keep track of new information, Richard started Nowomics to address the problem.

Greg Tebbutt photo

Greg Tebbutt, Full Stack Developer at Sparrho

From a rather eclectic background in computational physics (accelerated simulations for tsunami defences, to Monte Carlo simulations of particle collisions), Greg is now one of three developers working to aggregate, distill and recommend scientific information at Sparrho. Sparrho is a content discovery platform for scientific information, and Greg will give us an overview of what it does and how it works.

Cat Chimes photo

Cat Chimes, Head of Marketing for Altmetric

Altmetric is a London based start-up focussed on making article level metrics easy. As Altmetrics enter the mainstream, Cat will take a quick look at some of the use cases to date amongst authors, institutions and publishers. Who is using these metrics, and what exactly are they getting from them? Is it what we expected, or something entirely different?


We're also hugely grateful to Nesta for offering to host this event at their central London office.

Nesta logoHow to get to there:

Address: 1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE
Nearest tube: Chancery Lane

When you arrive, take the lift or stairs up to the first floor where they'll be someone to meet you.

We look forward to seeing you all on the 20th! If you've not yet registered for a free ticket, you can register on the eventbrite page.


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