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Full speaker line up and venue for #FuturePub London on Sept 23rd

John · August 27, 2014
Overleaf writelatex futurepub event logo Sept 23rd

Six speakers and a fantastic venue -- there's only a month to go until our third #futurepub event, so book your free tickets now!


#FuturePub features six quickfire talks on the latest new developments in scientific publishing and technology. Confirmed speakers include:

You can read more about each speaker and their talk below but first, the location and outline for the evening.

Venue & Timings

The Stables
Opposite the Macmillan Building
4 Crinan Street
N1 9XW

Exact location:

Date and time: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM (BST)

Doors open at 6:00pm and the talks will kick off at 7pm. After the talks, everyone is invited (and encouraged) to head to a nearby pub to continue the discussions at a combined Scholarly Social and London Open Drinks event! More details on this to follow soon.

Space is limited, so get your free tickets now!

Speaker and talk details

It's online so it's open... isn't it?

Sumika Sakanishi, Product manager of Open Data Certificate at Open Data Institute.

There is much talk about open data, but what exactly does 'open' mean? Maybe you made an initial step by putting your data online, but are you maximising its potential and unlocking the full value to the user of that data?

ODI Knowledge for everyone banner

To help publishers and the wider community navigate the wild west of open data, we at the Open Data Institute have developed Open Data Certificate, a unique tool for measuring and communicating the openness of your data.

In this talk, I will provide an overview of the challenges faced by publishers and data users, and how Open Data Certificate can help address these challenges.

Crowdfunding Science

Natalie Jonk photo

Natalie Jonk, Co-founder Walacea

We would like to talk to you about Walacea which is a crowdfunding platform specifically for scientific research. The aim of the website is to help more research obtain funding and also to increase the exposure of science to the public through encouraging scientists who crowdfund to offer rewards that tie in with outreach activities.

Having studied at Bristol and King's for my BSc and MSc then worked in the pharmaceutical industry for around 5 years, I decided that science was not progressing in the way that I would like it to. I thought other people might be frustrated too, and so I decided to start up Walacea.

Walacea is currently part of the Bethnal Green Ventures startup accelerator.

Tools for choosing a journal for a research paper

Anna Sharman photo

Anna Sharman, founder and director of Cofactor

The landscape of academic journals is getting increasingly complex and authors have difficulty knowing how best to find the journal that best fits their paper and their needs. Journals differ in how selective, open, fast, rigorous and expensive they are, as well as in their subject scope. Various tools are available to help authors choose, and I will briefly compare these, including one developed by Cofactor.

Anna is founder and director of Cofactor, a consultancy that aims to help scientists publish their research more effectively. She has previously been a biologist, a journal editor and a freelance editor and publishing consultant.

Have you found what you're looking for?

James Macfarlane photo

James Macfarlane, co-founder of BookGenie451

BookGenie451 is a very different way to access Book, Journal and research content. Built on an advanced information paradigm called the "Infological Equation" we are attempting to improve outcomes for Higher Education Readers, Authors and Publishers.

Collaborative searching of content is a new concept and BookGenie451 is changing the way we think about online access to content.

James is a co-founder of BookGenie451, and a 30 year veteran in the software industry at the leading edge of web and search development.

The latest from Planet figshare

Alan Hyndman photo

Alan Hyndman, Marketing Manager at figshare

As publishers move to disseminate different types of content than just text and pdf documents, there needs to be new ways to visualise and navigate that content.

figshare works with publishers to provide visualisation tools and better management of large datasets, with no impact on their existing infrastructure.

figshare also acts a repository where users can make all of their research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner.

The figshare team will be providing an update on their latest work with Taylor and Francis, PLOS and Nature Publishing Group.

Alan has been working with figshare for 2 years and has a rich background in bringing disruptive technologies to traditional industries. In his spare time he plays piano, guitar and PC games.

Academic citation tool of the future?

Matias Piipari photo

Matias Piipari, CTO at Papers

I'd like to show you some new approaches to citing scholarly literature.

As part of working on the Papers reference manager for last few years, I have been trying to understand and improve the user experience of scholarly writing and in particular citing. I'd like to explain what I have learned on the matter, and suggest some modernisations to the process by means of citation tooling.

Matias is a computational biologist, open access advocate, and co-author of Papers..

Reserve your free place today

Tickets are free and places are limited, so please reserve your place today and we look forward to seeing you on the 23rd September!

Overleaf writelatex futurepub event logo Sept 23rd


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