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It's that time again! Speakers announced for #FuturePub #PintOfScience London on May 19th - don't miss it!

John · May 7, 2015
Overleaf futurepub 5 event logo May 19th

#FuturePub 5 is being held in conjunction with this year's Pint of Science festival, and with just two weeks to go to our May 19th event in central London we're delighted to announce an exciting starting line-up of speakers for the evening!

Update: Video live stream for all six talks available at:

F1000Workspace demo

Eva Amsen photo

Eva Amsen, Community Strategy Manager for Faculty of 1000

F1000 has just launched F1000Workspace, where researchers can collect, cite and discuss scientific literature with their colleagues. This is a brief demo of the most exciting features of this new tool, including the very useful Word plugin, and the collaborative annotation tool. Feedback welcome!

Eva holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Toronto, but has exchanged cell cultures and LB broth for a career in science communication, publishing, and communities.

Penelope: automated manuscript screening

James Harwood photo

James Harwood, Co-founder of Penelope

We would like to introduce Penelope, an automated tool that helps authors improve their work before submitting to a journal. Penelope scans manuscripts for common reporting errors and suggests improvements along with links to relevant resources. In doing so, she makes sure that all manuscripts meet journal standards before landing on an editor's desk.

We are working towards releasing Penelope's closed beta version and would be really grateful for any feedback or suggestions from the FuturePub community!

James is one of the founders of Penelope. His background is in neuroscience and biology, with a brief diversion into environmental research and policy.

Paper discovery for life scientists

Richard Smith photo

Richard Smith, founder of Nowomics

The current pace of publishing demands better ways for researchers to keep up with the latest literature. The new Nowomics website allows scientists to ‘follow’ biological terms to create a personalised news feed of new papers. With inline abstracts, search and altmetrics it aims to make content discovery simpler than sifting through email alerts and tables of contents.

Richard founded Nowomics after over a decade building software for biology research, and collaborating with many major academic projects around the world.

SciencePOD: raising the profile of research, via on-demand popular science articles

Sabine Louët photo

Sabine Louët, founder of SciencePOD

SciencePOD delivers Science Prose On-Demand by translating complex scientific ideas into articles written in an accessible language. It then publishes this high-quality content in a slick magazine format and distributes it widely.

The service offers science publishers, as well as individual scientists, the opportunity to call upon the talents of a broad network of science writers and journalists, editors and proofreaders. These talented editorial professionals help turn research findings into a story, suitable for a wider, targeted audience.

Sabine is a physicist by training and has worked in science publishing for almost 20 years. She was previously the news editor at Nature Biotechnology. She has been covering a broad spectrum of research-related topics from biotech to material sciences as well as innovation and science policy.

CrossRef's REST API: All-you-can-eat Scholarly Metadata

Karl Ward photo

Karl Ward, principal engineer at CrossRef

CrossRef's REST API provides free and open search of metadata covering over 70 million journal articles, books and conference proceedings. Find out how anyone can build services using CrossRef's metadata, including basic bibliographic information, funding, award and license data for published works and more.

Karl is principal engineer at CrossRef and has given up a week in Barcelona to spend 5 minutes evangelising about his baby - the CrossRef REST API. That’s how good it is.

Futurescaper: How do you make sense of 300+ citations in a day?

Giorgos Georgopoulos photo

Giorgos Georgopoulos - product, delivery, and business development at Futurescaper

Scientific collaboration needs collaborators to have a common understanding of the literature they're working from. Futurescaper is a tool that connects people's thinking on complex issues, and is being used to help coordinate teams of researchers working on long-term, multi-author projects. We'll show an example of how a team of analysts used Futurescaper to make sense of 300+ citations, collected over 3 months by 24 environmental researchers, in just a day.

Giorgos manages Futurescaper's operations in product, delivery, and business development. His background combines professional services, policy, and technology as an innovation consultant, and he's been involved in three other start-ups and social enterprises.

Overleaf futurepub 5 event small logo May 19th

Doors open at 6:30pm and the talks will kick off at 7pm. Tickets are still available - you can register on the eventbrite page, and you can also register for the live stream at the same link.

I look forward to seeing you in London on the 19th!


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