Albany LaTeX Dissertation Template
Ben Carle and Seth Chaiken
Last Updated
5 years ago
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Sample Ph.D. dissertation to meet University at Albany requirements as of 2020
Sample Ph.D. dissertation to meet University at Albany requirements as of 2020
% %
% %
% Run LaTeX or pdfLaTeX on this file to produce your dissertation.
% To produce the abstract title page followed by the abstract,
% see the file abstitle-phd.tex or abstitle-mas.tex.
\usepackage{epsfig, amssymb, amsmath, latexsym, graphicx, url, hyperref}
\usepackage{color} %Latex picture produced by xfig uses color
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %must be used with the chap option of the thesis class.
%\usepackage[square, comma]{natbib} %the sample bibliography doesn't work with this.
\usepackage[toc, acronym]{glossaries}
% Research and use other cool Latex packages!
%%%%%%%% We determine text size and margin, not the style class file.
\setlength{\textheight}{9.0in} %to leave 1in top and bot margin
\setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} %to leave 1in left and right margin
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.0in} %to get a total of 1in
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{} %to get a total of 1in
%%%% various custom math, etc added commands. Try, edit, remove, replace as you wish
\newcommand{\proof}{{\em Proof\/}: }
\newcommand{\qed}{\hfill $\fbox{}$}
\newcommand{\disp}[1]{\vspace{-0.5em}\begin{center} {#1}
\newcommand{\dispn}[2]{ {\noindent{#1}} \centerline{#2} }
\newcommand{\h}{\bf h}
\newcommand{\A}{\bf A}
\newcommand{\B}{\cal B}
\newcommand{\C}{{\cal C}}
\newcommand{\D}{{\cal D}}
\newcommand{\E}{{\cal E}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\cal F}}
\newcommand{\m}{{\cal L}}
\newcommand{\M}{{\cal M}}
\newcommand{\s}{{\cal S}}
\newcommand{\U}{{\cal U}}
\newcommand{\W}{{\cal I}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% You should replace the appropriate fields in
% the following section with your own information.
\thesistitle{\bf My Title}
\thesissubtitle{\bf My Subtitle}
\author{My Name}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\department{Department Name}
\submitdate{(Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) 20xx or
(January, May, August, December) 20xx or 20xx}
%\copyrightyear{1970} % if omitted, current year is used.
\dedicatedto{To my}
% Committee info is not use at this time
%\signaturelines{3} %max number of signature lines is 7
%\thadviser{My Advisor}
%\cothadviser{Second Adviser} % If you have 2 thesis advisers
%\memberone{My Committee Member}
%\membertwo{My Other Committee Member}
%\memberfour,\memberfive, \membersix
% can also be used. Remember to change \signaturelines.%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Title Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%Glossary. This command and the glossary entries must go in the preamble,
%% so you must \input (NOT \include)
%\includeonly{chapter1} % When computers were slower, we used \includeonly to process only
% the file(s) listed inside the braces
\dedication %optional
\include{abstract} %The heading for abstract, acknowledgment, introduction, chapter, etc.
\include{ack} %is put in the included file, followed by the content.
% ...
% Add new \include{chapterX} statements for each chapter you add
%%%%% APPENDICES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\appendix % This command is used only once!
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{APPENDICES} %toc entry or:
\addtocontents{toc}{\parindent0pt\vskip12pt APPENDICES} %toc entry, no page #
%%Glossaries will appear as appendices.
%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%