% Minimum packages required
\usepackage{tikz, ifthen, xfp, geometry, libertine}
\geometry{legalpaper, landscape, margin=1in}
% This is the main command, do NOT modify it unless you are an expert.
\filldraw[fill=\hourcolor,draw=black] (#1,\he{#2}{#3}-1) rectangle (#1+5,\he{#2}{#3});
\filldraw[fill=\hourcolor,draw=black] (#1+5,\he{#2}{#3}-1) rectangle (#1+10,\he{#2}{#3});
\filldraw[fill=MyFillcolor,draw=black] (#1,\fe{#2}{#3}{#6}) rectangle (#1+10,\he{#2}{#3}-1);
\draw[thick] (#1+2.5,\he{#2}{#3}) node [below=0pt] {\textbf{\footnotesize \textsc{\textcolor{white}{{ #2:#3}}}}};
\draw[thick] (#1+5,\fe{#2}{#3}{#6*.45}) node [below=0pt] {\textbf{ \textsc{\textcolor{MyTextcolor}{{\href{#7}{#4}}}}}};
\draw[thick] (#1+7.5,\he{#2}{#3}) node [below=0pt] {\textbf{\footnotesize \textsc{\textcolor{white}{{
\ifthenelse{ \fpeval{#3+(#6-floor(#6))*60}>59}
{\fpeval{(#6-floor(#6)-1)*60+#3}} }
{\fpeval{#2+floor(#6)}:\ifthenelse{\fpeval{(#6-floor(#6))*60-#3}=0}{00}{\fpeval{(#6-floor(#6))*60+#3}} }
% This places the days of the week, colors the box, places the text with some color font.
% I would not change this.
\shadedraw[inner color=#3,outer color=color24, draw=black] (#1,#2) rectangle (#1+10,#2+2);
\draw[thick] (#1+5,#2+1.5) node [below=0pt] {\textbf{\textsc{\textcolor{#5}{{#4}}}}};}
% These are the colors, we will refer to them by a number.
% You could add more and modify the command \colors appropriately.
\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.0, 0.75, 1.0} % capri
\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.54,0.17,0.89} % purple
\definecolor{color3}{rgb}{0.27, 0.42, 0.81} % hanblue
\definecolor{color4}{rgb}{0.06, 0.75, 0.99}% spirodiscoball
\definecolor{color5}{rgb}{0.7, 0.11, 0.11}% cornellred
\definecolor{color6}{rgb}{0.0, 0.75, 1.0}% deepskyblue
\definecolor{color7}{rgb}{0.31, 0.78, 0.47}% emerald
\definecolor{color8}{rgb}{0.25, 0.41, 0.88} % ci2
\definecolor{color9}{rgb}{0.0, 0.65, 0.58}% itam
\definecolor{color10}{rgb}{0.47, 0.87, 0.47}% pastelgreen
\definecolor{color11}{rgb}{0.0, 0.33, 0.71}% mediumtealblue
\definecolor{color12}{rgb}{0.45, 0.76, 0.98}% mayablue
\definecolor{color13}{rgb}{1.0, 0.0, 0.31}% folly
\definecolor{color14}{rgb}{0.7, 0.11, 0.11}% oh
\definecolor{color15}{rgb}{0.0, 0.75, 1.0}% deepskyblue
\definecolor{color16}{rgb}{0.31, 0.78, 0.47} % emerald http://latexcolor.com/
\definecolor{color17}{rgb}{1.0, 0.55, 0.0}% itam2
\definecolor{color18}{rgb}{0.6, 0.98, 0.6}% oc
\definecolor{color19}{rgb}{0.0, 0.87, 0.87}% bluegreen
\definecolor{color20}{rgb}{0.03, 0.91, 0.87}% darktourquoise
\definecolor{color21}{rgb}{0.06, 0.06, 0.06}% onyx
\definecolor{color22}{rgb}{0.0, 0.22, 0.66}% royalazure
\definecolor{color23}{rgb}{0.25, 0.41, 0.88}% royalblue(web)
\definecolor{color24}{rgb}{0.0, 0.14, 0.4}% darkblue
\definecolor{color25}{rgb}{0.0, 0.14, 0.4}% royalblue(traditional
\definecolor{color26}{rgb}{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}%
\definecolor{daycolor}{rgb}{0.39, 0.58, 0.93}% color of the box for the day
% Selects the text color white if it contrasts with MyFillColor, otherwise it selects black.
% This fixes the x-coordinates of each Class depending on the day of the week.
% This shortcut allows us to make height computations according to what time the class starts
% This will bring the bar of the days of the week to match the earliest class time.
\pagecolor{color26} % The color of the page. Try another one if you wish.
\newcommand{\hourcolor}{color2} % You can try a different color for the time-box.
%%%%%%%%%% E N T E R E A R L I E S T T I M E H E R E %%%%%%%%%%%%
\MyDayStartsAt{9}{00} % Enter here the time at which your earliest class starts.
% This fixes the y-coordinates of each Class depending on the day of the week.
%%%%%%%%%%%%% E N T E R Y O U R C L A S S E S H E R E %%%%%%%%%%%%
% Enter your class as follows
% \Class{\Friday}{14}{30}{Calculus II}{14}{1.5}{https://zoom.us/test}
% This means
% Calculus II starts at 2:30pm on Friday. Box color is color14.
% Class is 1.5 hours long. Link as given.
\Class{\Monday}{10}{30}{Linear Algebra}{25}{1.25}{ }
\Class{\Monday}{12}{00}{Real Analysis}{12}{1.25}{ }
\Class{\Monday}{15}{00}{Modern Tools}{11}{1.25}{ }
\Class{\Tuesday}{14}{00}{Calculus II}{24}{2}{ }
\Class{\Tuesday}{19}{00}{Intro Stats}{19}{3}{ }
\Class{\Wednesday}{10}{30}{Linear Algebra}{24}{1.25}{ }
\Class{\Wednesday}{12}{00}{Real Analysis}{12}{1.25}{ }
\Class{\Wednesday}{15}{00}{Modern Tools}{11}{1.25}{ }
\Class{\Thursday}{14}{00}{Calculus II}{24}{2}{ }
\Class{\Thursday}{19}{00}{Intro Stats}{19}{3}{ }
\Class{\Friday}{9}{00}{Office Hours}{14}{2}{https://zoom.us/test}