%percent is used for comments. you wont need them ever, but i'm using them for explanations
%%the following up until "\begin{document}" is called the "header." This sets up the whole document (format, style, additional things)
%\command[modifier1, modifier2]{argument} is a general format
\documentclass[11pt, amssymb, one column]{article}
\usepackage{times, amsmath, amssymb, cancel, changepage, gensymb, graphicx, mathrsfs, amsthm, lipsum, fancyhdr}
\newcommand{\ihat}{\mathbf {\hat \imath}}
\newcommand{\jhat}{\mathbf {\hat \jmath}}
%you only really need a documentclass/ packages to make a document, the following is just nice formatting. You can easily remove it or look up something else
%that you like better
\chead{\huge TITLEOFHOMEWORK \normalsize}
%note how I use "\#" to denote "#." This is because # is reserved (for something). Similarly, % is reserved for comments, so to use it you need \%.
%other such things include { }.
\fancyhead[LE, RO]{NAME}
%end of header, beginning of document
%To insert image:
%Note that the file must be in the same folder.
\item[1.a.] Answer
\item[2.d.] Answer