%% biber processes the reference db
%% citation keys and entries will be alphabetic
%% A reference section will be added to each chapter
\title{Design Engineering and Science}
\author{Nam Pyo Suh}
\date{February 2, 2018}
\setCirculationInfo{Circulation limited to the ICAD Education Team}
\setChapterVersionDate{January 12, 2019}
\setChapterAuthor{Joseph T. Foley}
\setcounter{chapter}{21}% To jump to a chapter number, N-1 here
\chapter{Desirable Complexity}
%% Text that introduces the chapter
Here's citations to Nam's books\cite{suh1990principles,suh1998adsystems,suh2005complexity}
%% Because we have refsection=chapter, this will print all the references in the chapter
\chapter{Another Chapter}
%% Text that introduces the chapter
Here's citations to a paper\cite{bragason2015parachuterelease}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% End: