D. Fellner, S. Behnke
Last Updated:
3 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX Package for 3DOR2022 Short Papers

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author guideline and sample document for EG publication using LaTeX2e input
% D.Fellner, v1.15, Dec 14, 2018
% --- for Annual CONFERENCE
% \ConferenceSubmission % uncomment for Conference submission
% \ConferencePaper % uncomment for (final) Conference Paper
% \STAR % uncomment for STAR contribution
% \Tutorial % uncomment for Tutorial contribution
% \ShortPresentation % uncomment for (final) Short Conference Presentation
% \Areas % uncomment for Areas contribution
% \MedicalPrize % uncomment for Medical Prize contribution
% \Education % uncomment for Education contribution
% \Poster % uncomment for Poster contribution
% \DC % uncomment for Doctoral Consortium
% --- for CGF Journal
% \JournalSubmission % uncomment for submission to Computer Graphics Forum
% \JournalPaper % uncomment for final version of Journal Paper
% --- for CGF Journal: special issue
% \SpecialIssueSubmission % uncomment for submission to , special issue
% \SpecialIssuePaper % uncomment for final version of Computer Graphics Forum, special issue
% % EuroVis, SGP, Rendering, PG
% --- for EG Workshop Proceedings
% \WsSubmission % uncomment for submission to EG Workshop
\WsShortPaper % uncomment for final version of EG Workshop contribution
% \WsSubmissionJoint % for joint events, for example ICAT-EGVE
% \WsPaperJoint % for joint events, for example ICAT-EGVE
% \Expressive % for SBIM, CAe, NPAR
% \DigitalHeritagePaper
% \PaperL2P % for events EG only asks for License to Publish
% --- for EuroVis
% for full papers use \SpecialIssuePaper
% \STAREurovis % for EuroVis additional material
% \EuroVisPoster % for EuroVis additional material
% \EuroVisShort % for EuroVis additional material
% !! *please* don't change anything above
% !! unless you REALLY know what you are doing
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage{cite} % comment out for biblatex with backend=biber
% ---------------------------
% ---------------------------
% for including postscript figures
% mind: package option 'draft' will replace PS figure by a filename within a frame
\ifpdf \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \pdfcompresslevel=9
\else \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \fi
% end of prologue