% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
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%% Version 4x3 und 16x9 2.2 02.01.2014
%Based on ETH official latex template
%Modified for ASL by Alvaro Estandia (09.02.2015) (ealvaro@student.ethz.ch)
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%----- My Packages
%\usepackage{soul} Highligh text \hl{Some Text}
\usepackage{media9} %Add videos
%ASL Packages
% ==== language ================================================================
% English
\AtBeginDocument{\renewcaptionname{english}{\contentsname}{ }}% toc-name
%% Deutsch
%\AtBeginDocument{\renewcaptionname{ngerman}{\contentsname}{ }}% toc-name
% ==== choose the basic color for your presentation ===========================
% colorbar-color
\colorlet{firstcolor}{ETHc} % see pages 2 and 3 of this sample presentation
% bachground color titlepage
\colorlet{secondcolor}{ETHc} % see pages 2 and 3 of this sample presentation
% === fill in first information for the presentation ==========================
% =========== begin of titlepage ============
% ==== start here with the text on the titlepage
\textbf{\ETHauthor}\\ \\
Supervised by }\\
% =========== begin of the standard page ============
% \ETHslide
% \section*{Adding a video}
% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Adding a video}
% %Example included because it took me very long to figure it out.
% \includemedia[
% width=0.8\textwidth,
% height=0.45\textwidth,
% activate=pageopen,
% addresource=LittleDog.mp4,
% flashvars={source=LittleDog.mp4}
% ]{}{VPlayer.swf}\\
% \footnotesize{LittleDog walking over rough terrain (S. Schaal, ``The latest version of the LittleDog Robot,'' 2010. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUQsRPJ1dYw)}
% \clearpage
\section*{Adding a video - Example Slide}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Example Slide}
\item[\ETHitem] Point 1
\item[\ETHitem] Point 2
\item Point 1.1
\item Point 1.2
Add a video file
References Slide