% LaTeX Template: Example Mindmap
% Source: http://www.texample.net/
% Date: Nov 2006
% Author: Till Tantau
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% Edit the title below to update the display in My Documents
%\title{My mindmap}
\path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
node[concept] {Computer Science}
[clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green!50!black] {
node[concept] {practical}
[clockwise from=90]
child { node[concept] {algorithms} }
child { node[concept] {data structures} }
child { node[concept] {pro\-gramming languages} }
child { node[concept] {software engineer\-ing} }
child[concept color=blue] {
node[concept] {applied}
[clockwise from=-30]
child { node[concept] {databases} }
child { node[concept] {WWW} }
child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} }
child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} };