% Use roboto Font (recommended)
% Define where theme files are located. ('/styles')
% Use Flux theme v0.1 beta
% Available style: asphalt, blue, red, green, gray
% Extra packages for the demo:
% Informations
\title{Flux beamer template}
\subtitle{Modern theme v0.1}
\author{John Doe}
\institute{Institute, location}
% Generate title page
\frametitle{Table of contents}
Flux is a modern style beamer presentation. It is provided as a work in progress version and may suffer from inconsistencies. Sources and complementary information are available at\\[0.3cm]
Flux provides five differents color palettes.\\
#1 & \cellcolor{primary}\hspace*{1cm} &\cellcolor{primaryLight}\hspace*{1cm}&\cellcolor{secondary}\hspace*{1cm}&\cellcolor{tertiary}\hspace*{1cm}\\
Flux recommends the use of Roboto or Overpass font and a font size of 9pt.\\[0.2cm]
Flux also implements default typographies.
\item Regular
\item \alert{Alert}
\item \example{Example}
\item \textit{Italic}
\item \textbf{Bold}
Flux also includes custom footnote integration. For instance, this \textbf{element}\footnote{Footnotes are notes placed at the bottom of a page. They cite references or comment on a designated part of the text above it. For example, say you want to add an interesting comment to a sentence you have written, but the comment is not directly related to the argument of your paragraph. } and this \textbf{element}\footnote{Footnotes are not just for interesting comments, however. Sometimes they simply refer to relevant sources -- they let your reader know where certain material came from, or where they can look for other sources on the subject.} provide a footnote.
\item Cats \item Dogs \item Birds
\item First \item Second \item Last
\item[Apples] Yes \item[Oranges] No \item[Grappes] No
\let\thefootnote\relax\footnote{Note the following demo slides are directly taken from metropolis theme. Copyright 2014 Matthias Vogelgesang.\\
Give a look at https://github.com/matze/mtheme/tree/master/demo}
\caption{Largest cities in the world (source: Wikipedia)}
\begin{tabular}{@{} lr @{}}
City & Population\\
Mexico City & 20,116,842\\
Shanghai & 19,210,000\\
Peking & 15,796,450\\
Istanbul & 14,160,467\\
\rowcolor{primaryLight}\color{background}City & \color{background}Population\\
Mexico City & 20,116,842\\
Shanghai & 19,210,000\\
Peking & 15,796,450\\
Istanbul & 14,160,467\\
Flux theme comes with three pre-defined block style collections.\\
Native style (default) available as \verb+\setblockstyle{native}+\\[0.5cm]
\setblockstyle{native} % Default behavior, optional line.
Block content.
Block content.
Block content.
Flux theme comes with three pre-defined block style collections.\\
NoBackground style available as \verb+\setblockstyle{nobackground}+\\[0.5cm]
Block content.
Block content.
Block content.
Flux theme comes with three pre-defined block style collections.\\
Metropolis style available as \verb+\setblockstyle{metropolis}+\\[0.5cm]
Block content.
Block content.
Block content.
Bloc diagram example from \textbf{texample.net}
\begin{block}{Binary Softmax classifier}
$\sigma(\sum_i w_ix_i + b)$
\begin{exampleblock}{Loss function}
$L_i = -log(\frac{e^{f_{y_i}}}{\sum_j e^{f_j}})$\\[0.1cm]
cross entropy
% The [plain] causes the headlines, footlines, and sidebars
% to be suppressed. Useful for showing large pictures
This is a plain frame.\\
Use it to display full page images.
\section{Next section}
\subsection{subsection 1}
\subsection{subsection 2}
\subsection{subsection 3}
\section{One more section}
\subsection{subsection 1}
\subsection{subsection 2}
\subsection{subsection 3}
Flux is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.\\[0.3cm]
Inspired by \textbf{Metropolis} theme from Matthias Vogelgesang.\\