%% Loading tcolorbox for easy laying out of
%% LaTeX code and output side-by-side
\newtcblisting{mybox}{colback=white,minted language=latex,listing side text,righthand width=.2\textwidth}
% A basic duck
% An Overleaf duck!
%% Accessorise -- be smart!
\duck [tshirt=white, jacket=black, tie=black, tophat=black,
sunglasses=black, bill=orange];
%% DISCO!!
\duck[eyebrow, mullet=black, jacket=white,
lapel=black, buttons=gray!20, bill=orange,
necklace=orange!80!yellow, speech={\footnotesize\sffamily Disco}
%% Sometimes you may need to draw extra paths
\duck [body=pink!50!white,bill=orange,
unicorn=magenta!60!violet, longhair=magenta!60!violet,
\parbox{4em}{\sffamily\bfseries\centering Dream!!}}