% This is the official template for theses and seminar papers from the Chair for Information Systems for Sustainable Society (IS3) at the University of Cologne
\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12pt, hidelinks]{article}
\usepackage[left=4cm, right=2.5cm, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}
% set line spacing
% set indentation size
% set font size to times
% set title font sizes
% set \section font size to 14
% Customize \section spacing
{0pt} % Left indentation
{10pt} % Space before the title
{0pt} % Space after the title
% set \section font size to 13
% Customize \subsection spacing
{0pt} % Left indentation
{10pt} % Space before the title
{0pt} % Space after the title
% set \section font size to 13
% Customize \subsubsection spacing
{0pt} % Left indentation
{10pt} % Space before the title
{0pt} % Space after the title
% set headers
% set APA citation style
%THESIS Parameters
\title{Wordy Title - Even wordier subtitle}
\newcommand{\thesisdate}{February 07, 2024}
\newcommand{\thesisauthor}{John Doe} %input name
\newcommand{\studentID}{999999999} %input student ID
\newcommand{\thesistype}{Bachelor Thesis / Master Thesis / Seminar Paper} % Set either to Bachelor or Master
\newcommand{\supervisor}{Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketter}
\newcommand{\cosupervisor}{Max Mustermann}
% Signature line
%TITLE PAGE (Pre-defined, just change parameters above)
% SOOA - only include this in Bachelor or Master Thesis
% in Bachelorseminar works you don't need to include and sign this
[Abstract goes here (max. 1 page)]
% SEC1
% SEC2