% Document class for MEEC@DEE@ISEP dissertations, by Vitor M. R. Cunha - v1.4, Mar 2024
% Suggestions and comments are welcomed (vrc at isep dot ipp dot pt).
% Template provided as is, NO SUPPORT will be given.
% NO questions related to LaTeX will be answered, go to
% https://ftp.eq.uc.pt/software/TeX/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf, or search the web.
% The DEE document class uses the LaTeX book base class, the original work credits are
% in the document class file.
% Overleaf template direct link:
% https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/isep-meec-msc-thesis-slash-dissertation-latex-template/zdyypsqypqnm
% or go to https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/, and search for: ISEP MEEC
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN SETTINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
MEECAS, % Use this option to select your DEE degree, options: MEECAS, MEECSA, MEECPI, MEECTE
portuguese, % Select document language, options: portuguese or english
%draft, % Uncomment for draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes)
% Use the 'preamble.tex' file (root folder) do add packages and macros. Keep your main.tex file clean.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DISSERTATION INFORMATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\thesistitle{Título da Dissertação} % Your dissertation title
%\subdate{Janeiro, 2021} % Uncomment for a static submission date, or leave it as a comment for automatic date
\author{Nome do Candidato} % Your name
\studentnumber{1234567} % Your student number
\studentemail{1234567@isep.ipp.pt} % Your student email address
\advisor{Nome do Orientador}{xxx@isep.ipp.pt} % Your advisor's name and email
\coadvisor{Nome do Coorientador}{xxx@isep.ipp.pt} % Your co-advisor's name and email, comment this line if not needed
\company{Nome da Empresa, Lda.} % The company name where you developed your work, comment this line if not needed
\supervisor{Nome do Orientador da Empresa}{xxx@emailaddress.com} % Your supervisor's name, comment this line if not needed
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% USER DEFINED LISTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\makeglossaries % Consider the following files in the 'front' folder:
\input{front/0_glossary} % Edit to define your glossary entries list
\input{front/0_acronyms} % Edit to define your acronyms entries list
\input{front/0_symbols} % Edit to define your symbols entries list
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FRONTMATTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Consider the following front matter sections provided as separate files in the 'front' folder.
% Comment the lines regarding the sections you will not use, or edit the file contents as needed
\include{front/1_dedicatory} % Edit if you want to dedicate your work to someone, or comment this line if not used
\include{front/2_acknowledgements} % Edit to add the due acknowledgements, or comment this line if not used
\include{front/3_abstract} % Edit the file to write the dissertation Abstract. Two languages are always required.
\include{front/4_frontmatterlists} % Edit the file to select the lists to be shown (figures, tables, source code, pseudo-code, glossary, acronyms, symbols)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAINMATTER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Include the chapters of the dissertation as separate files from the 'chapters' folder
%\include{chapters/chapter3} % Uncomment the lines as you write the chapters,
% where 'chapter3' refers to a file chapter3.tex
%... % in the 'chapters' folder
% Print the bibliographic references using the ieeetr format from the 'sampleRefs.bib' file (root folder)
\printrefereces{sampleRefs} % Change the 'sampleRefs' name to match your .bib file name,
% a good option to make bib files is https://www.jabref.org/
% Include the appendices of the dissertation as separate files from the 'chapters' folder
\include{chapters/appendixA} % Uncomment the lines as you write the appendices,
%\include{chapters/appendixB} % or comment the lines if not used