% Package for MAP miniproject reports
% bibliography
% Here you can specify directories with images
%Insert title here. Please limit your title to two lines at max. Adjust the font size using modifier commands (\Large, \large, \small...)
\title{\LARGE{Miniproject title}}
% Insert your name and surname
\author{Surname, Name}
% To specify your signature on the title page please replace file images/signature.pdf with a file with your signature
% Insert city that will appear on the title page
% Insert your main supervisor
\supervisor{Specify supervisor}
% Specify if applicable direct supervisor otherwise leave blank
%Specify the department where your miniproject was done
% Specify semester
\semester{Winter semester 2019/20}
% Specify the number of ECTS for your miniproject (4, 8, 5 or 10)
% Specify focal subject as listed on mein campus
\focsubj{Computational Material Science and Process Simulation}
% Insert your registration number
\matrnum{Matrikel number}
% Type abstract for the title page in this field
Enter abstract here -- max 250 words.
% create title pages
% Switch to 1.5 spacing
% Start of the main part: introduction can reside in introduction.tex file
Write a brief acknowledgment of your supervisor(s) and any other people or major resources (not your lab neighbour for lending you a pipette!) which contributed to your project.