% This is a template for project reports in the subject DAT620 at the
% Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
% University of Stavanger.
% The template is based on the ACM conference template
% it was edited by Leander Jehl and Hein Meling
%In the preamble file you can include packages and define macros.
%TODO: Replace the title with your project title.
\title{My DAT620 Project Report}
%you may use a subtitle
\subtitle{My project subtitle}
%TODO replace author names with your name and email below:
\author{Student Name}
\affiliation{University of Stavanger, Norway}
%TODO: add the name of one or more supervisors
\supervisors{Leander Jehl and Hein Meling}
%The abstract lies in a different file:
%TODO: Replace with some keywords, relevant for your project
\keywords{Report writing, Latex tips}
%Each section can be placed in a separate file and included by the input command.
\section{Your Method}
\section{Experimental Evaluation}
\label {sec:conclusion}
\section{Further Reading}