% Guidelines and template for abstracts
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\Large \bf Title \rm
%List of authors (the presenting author is underlined) and letters are used as exponent to distinguish the affiliations
\large Stéphanie Aerts$\,^a$, \large Gentiane Haesbroeck$\,^b$, \large and \, \underline{Sophie Klenkenberg}$\,^b$
%List of the affiliations depending on the letters a, b,... used in the list of authors
$^a$ HEC Liège, Management School of the University of Li\`ege, Belgium
$^b$ Department of Mathematics, University of Li\`ege, Belgium
%email address of presenting author
\underline{Email}: {\tt s.klenkenberg@uliege.be}
Text of the abstract (one page maximum, including references).
%Please write your list of reference directly in the .tex document, DO NOT use a bibTex file
% Example for the citation of articles in journals:
\bibitem{Hos} H\"ossjer, O., Rousseeuw, P.J. and Croux, C. (1996),
Asymptotics of an estimator of a robust spread functional.
{\it Statistica Sinica}, 6(2), 375--388.
% Example for the citation of books and thesis:
\bibitem{the} Therneau, T., and Grambsch, P.M. (2000) \it Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model\rm. New York: Springer-Verlag.