% just for the example
% Set margins to 1.5in
% for graphics
% for crimson text
% setup parameter indentation
% for 1.15 spacing between text
% For defining spacing between headers
% Level 1
% Level 2
% Level 3
% Level 4
% Level 5
% Level 6
\@startsection{subsubparagraph} % counter
{6} % level
{\parindent} % indent
{12pt} % beforeskip
{6pt} % afterskip
% Set caption to correct size and location
\usepackage[tableposition=top, figureposition=bottom, font=footnotesize, labelfont=bf]{caption}
% set page number location
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footers
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove the header rule
% Overwrite Title
\textbf{{\fontsize{18pt}{20}\selectfont \@title}}\\
{\fontsize{12pt}{0}\selectfont \@author}
% Used for Tables and Figures
% For using lists
% For full citations inline
% Custom Quote
% Create Abstract
\noindent \par{\bfseries \abstractname.}}
% Set Title, Author, and email
\title{Annotated Bibliography}
\author{George Burdell \\ george.burdell@gatech.edu}
\section*{Topic 1}