% Generic template for TFC/TFM/TFG/Tesis at UAH
% $Id: book.tex,v 1.24 2019/11/29 09:31:24 macias Exp $
% By:
% + Javier Macías-Guarasa.
% Departamento de Electrónica
% Universidad de Alcalá
% + Roberto Barra-Chicote.
% Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica
% Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
% Based on original sources by Roberto Barra, Manuel Ocaña, Jesús Nuevo,
% Pedro Revenga, Fernando Herránz and Noelia Hernández. Thanks a lot to
% all of them, and to the many anonymous contributors found (thanks to
% google) that provided help in setting all this up.
% See also the additionalContributors.txt file to check the name of
% additional contributors to this work.
% If you think you can add pieces of relevant/useful examples,
% improvements, please contact us at (macias@depeca.uah.es)
% You can freely use this template and please contribute with
% comments or suggestions!!!
% This is for rubber to clean additional files (do not remove!!)
% rubber: clean book.acn book.acr book.alg book.cod book.ist book.out book.sbl book.slg book.sym book.lor book.glsdefs book.loa
% rubber: onchange book.glo 'makeglossaries book'
% rubber: watch book.glo book.acr book.sym book.slg book.alg
% BEGIN Preamble and configuration section
\input{../Config/preamble.tex} % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE. You can edit
% the file to modify some default settings
\input{../Config/myconfig.tex} % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE, but EDIT THIS FILE
% to set your specific settings (related
% to the document language, your degree,
% document details (such as title, author
% (you), your email, name of the tribunal
% members, document year, keyword and
% palabras clave) and link colors), and
% define your commonly used commands
% (some examples are provided).
\input{../Config/glossaries.tex} % EDIT THIS FILE to include your glossaries
\input{../Config/postamble.tex} % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE. Yes, I know,
% "postamble" is not a valid word... :-)
% path to directories containing images
\graphicspath{{./logos/}{./figures/}{./diagrams/}} % Edit this to your
% needs. Only logos is really required
% when you generate your own content.
% END Preamble and configuration section
% Let's start with the real stuff
% Now start text and numbering for frontmatter (toc, list of
% tables/figures,...)
\frontmatter % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE
% BEGIN within-document configuration, frontpage and cover pages generation
% Set Language dependent issues that must be set after \begin{document}
\input{../Config/setlanguagedependentissues.tex} % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE
% This will include front page (if needed), and cover pages. Selection
% of the adequate one is done automagically depending on values set by
% the user in config/myconfig.tex
\input{cover/cover.tex} % DO NOT TOUCH THIS
% LINE/FILE. You can edit
% the file in case you
% need it (there may be
% problems with vertical
% spacing if the title is
% too long...)
% In some cases you may need to include pdf files (for example in the
% PhD. Thesis at UAH you need to include the permission letter by the
% advisors... It is also required for the MUSEA TFMs). You can do this
%\includepdf[frame=true,pages=3-4]{letters/sampleLetter-pages.pdf} % include pages
% % 3-4 of pdf file
%\clearemptydoublepage % You need to include this after including each pdf
\includepdf[pages=-]{letters/sampleLetter.pdf} % include all pages of
% pdf file
%\includepdf[pages=-]{letters/sampleLetter-pages.pdf} % include all pages of
% % pdf file
\clearemptydoublepage % You need to add this after including each pdf
%\includepdf[pages=-]{papeleo/vistoBuenoTutorTFM-MUSEA.pdf} % for TFMs
%\clearemptydoublepage % You need to add this after including each pdf
% Dedication+ackowledgements (dedicatorias+agradecimientos)
\input{dedication/dedicatoria.tex} % EDIT this file or
% comment it out
\input{acknowledgements/agradecimientos.tex} % EDIT this file or
% comment it out
% If this is the case, include definitions of acronyms (it's
% included before resumen.tex and abstract.tex in case you want
% to use them here
\input{acronyms/defacronymsgl.tex} % EDIT this file or
% comment it out if you do
% not use acronyms
% If this is the case, include definitions of acronyms (it's
% included before resumen.tex and abstract.tex in case you want
% to use them there
\input{symbols/defsymbolsgl.tex} % EDIT this file or
% comment it out if you do
% not use acronyms
% Now include resumen and abstract
\input{abstract/resumen.tex} % EDIT this file
\input{abstract/abstract.tex} % EDIT this file
% Just for TFGs/PFCs at UAH, I do nothing and leave to the author the
% inclusion of the file
%\input{abstract/resumen-extendido.tex} % EDIT this file
% Now include toc and list of figures+tables
\input{cover/toc+lof+lot.tex} % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE!
% If you want to include additional listings, you can use the float
% package. As an example, I include here the listing of source code
% snippets and algorithms (you have some examples in
% appendix/manual.tex)
\input{cover/extralistings.tex} % Edit this file or
% comment it out
% Now include list of acronyms and options (if this is the case)
\input{acronyms/acronymsgl.tex} % EDIT this file or
% comment it out if you do
% not use acronyms
% Now include symbols of symbols and options (if this is the case)
\input{symbols/symbolsgl.tex} % EDIT this file or
% comment it out if you do
% not use acronyms
% END within-document configuration, frontpage and cover pages generation
% Now start text and numbering for mainmatter (chapter+appendices)
\mainmatter % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE!
\deactivatetilden % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE!
% BEGIN Normal chapters. Edit/modify all within this section
% I don't recommend it, but if you want to define "parts", use this...
% BEWARE: I didn't write the english dependent code
% Optional in PFCs
% Optional in PFCs, compulsory in TFGs
% END Normal chapters. Edit/modify all within this section
% Bibliography
\input{biblio/bibliography.tex} % EDIT this file if required
% BEGIN Appendices. Edit/modify all within this section
% I don't recommend it, but if you want to define "parts", use this...
% BEWARE: I didn't write the english dependent code
%\appendix % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE!
% END Appendices. Edit/modify all within this section
% Now start text and numbering for backmatter (just backpage in our
% case)
\backmatter % DO NOT TOUCH THIS LINE!
% Just for TFGs at UAH right now, but kept here JIC anybody else wants
% to use it
\input{cover/backpage.tex} % EDIT this file if
% required, or comment it out