% You can use this file as a template for your thesis.
% Directory structure:
% PPGCosmoThesis requires two subfolders: "figures" and "sections".
% All the figures should be inserted in the folder "figures".
% The files abstract.tex, resumo.tex and acknowledgements.tex must be
% in the folder "sections".
% By Davi Rodrigues. September, 2020.
% After the thesis' defense approval, use the option "approved".
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADDITIONAL PACKAGES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% PPGCosmoThesis already uses the following packages:
% amsmath, amssymb, hyperref, graphicx, xcolor, scrlayer-scrpage and xparse
% If you need additional packages, put them here.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% USER DEFINITIONS AND OTHER OPTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% PPGCosmoN is recommended.
% Other options include unsrturl, abbrvurl, apacite (requires \usepackage{apacite})...
% \includeonly speeds up the typesettings after the first complete one.
% If the speed is not a concern, you can remove it.
% If \includeonly is used, all the chapter file names must be inserted.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\title{Quantum effects in cosmology}
\author{Emmanuel Frion}
\supervisor{Prof.~Nelson Pinto-Neto}
\supervisoraddress{Cosmo, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (Brazil)}
\cosupervisor{Prof.~David Wands}
\cosupervisoraddress{ICG, University of Portsmouth (UK)}
% The value of 0 does not print the dedicatory page.
% Here is an example: \dedicatory{To whoever made this wonderful thesis template.}
% If needed, use \\ to break lines.
% Prof. Dr. Nelson Pinto-Neto (CBPF), orientador,\\
% Prof. Dr. David Wands (Portsmouth U., Inglaterra), co-orientador, \\
% Prof. Dr. Jaílson Souza de Alcaniz (ON), examinador externo,\\
% Prof. Dr. Patrick Peter (IAP, França), examinador externo, \\
% Prof. Dr. Santiago Esteban Perez Berliaffa (UERJ), examinador externo,\\
% Prof. Dr. Davi Cabral Rodrigues (UFES), examinador interno, \\
% Prof. Dr. Júlio César Fabris (UFES), examinador interno.
% }
% The \banca content only appears if the option "approved" is used.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE CHAPTERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% ATTENTION: check if the file names match those in the \includeonly command.
% All the files must be saved with ".tex", but inside \include the extensions are omitted.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\bibliography{BibExample.bib} % put the name of your bib file here.