%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\author{First Author \\Second Author}
\title{Presentation Title}
\subtitle{Presentation Subtitle}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% List of Contents%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% To not show in the index, use \section \subsection ...
% To not show in the index just delete the following frame (or comment out the recommended one)
%\section*{List of Contents}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Frame 1
{\bf Dear author, the organizing committee of OL2A 23 appreciates your contribution.}
\noindent We would like to inform you that the use of this template {\bf is not mandatory.}
\noindent The time that you have available for your presentation {\bf is limited to a maximum of 10 minutes}, with an additional 5 minutes \textbf{exclusively} for questions and answers.
\section{Document Structure}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Frame 2
\frametitle{Include figures}
\caption{Example of a figure.}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Frame 2
\frametitle{Include subfigures}
\subfigure[Lion]{ \label{subfig:lion}
} \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\subfigure[Graphic]{ \label{subfig:graphic}
\caption{Figures presented with the \textit{subfigure} package.}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Frame 3
\frametitle{Include tables}
\caption{Tables presented with the \textit{booktabs} package.}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{OL2A} \\
Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3\\
Line 1 & Line 2 & Line 3 \\
Line 4 & Line 5 & Line 5 \\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Frame 3
\frametitle{Include equations}
y_1=y_0 + h.f(x_0-y_0)
y_{n+1}& = y_{n}+\dfrac{h}{6} \times (k_1 +2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4)\\
t_{n+1}& = t_n + h
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Frame 4
{\Large \bf Hope to see you at OL2A !}\\
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% if there are too many try use:
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