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\usepackage[letterpaper, left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.8in, bottom=0.8in]{geometry}
pdftitle={Overleaf Example},
\renewcommand*\contentsname{\textcolor{Goldenrod}{\textsf{Table of Contents}}}
\lhead{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{Figures-dontEdit/College of Engineering_H-Full-RGB.png} \;
\includegraphics[width=5cm]{Figures-dontEdit/EURO-H-RGB-BG-Left-cropped.png} }
\rfoot{Page \thepage}
JULY 28 – JULY 29}}
\section*{\textsf{Day 1 | Morning Presentations}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Day 1 | Morning Presentations}
\section*{\textsf{July 28th, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT}}
\subsection*{\textsf{\textcolor{Goldenrod}{SESSION A: Symposium Theme TBD}}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{SESSION A: Symposium Theme TBD}
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% ------------ START EDITING HERE ------------
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% Only Edit the lines with trailing comments.
\begin{tabular}{p{14cm} P{4cm}}
\textbf{This is a Title for the SURF Symposium (Note Capitalization Convention) % Put Your Title Here. NO Special Character/Format.
}&\multirow{2}{4cm}{\textbf{SURF ID: 100 % Put Your SURF ID Here.
Time TBD }}\\
\textit{Author1, Author2 % Put Authors Here
\textsuperscript{1}Your Affiliation % Put Your Affiliation Here. If your affiliation if same as PI affiliation, delete this line.
*PI: PI Affiliation % Put PI Affiliation Here
% -----------------------------------------
% ------------ Start abstract here ------------
% Please ensure that special characters appear correctly in LaTeX preview
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This is an abstract. It should be between 150-250 words. This is how to write $\alpha$. This is how to write $\pm$. This is how to write $^{\circ}$. This is how to write \% (standalone \% is seen as the start of comment in LaTeX, so you have to put a backslash in front of it). This is how to write subscript CO$_2$ and superscript $x^2$. Note the difference of font between text mode (roman) and $math mode$ (italic). Math mode is enclosed by dollar symbol.
% ------------ End abstract here ------------
\textbf{Keywords: }
Keyword1, keyword2 (note capitalization convention) % Put Keywords Here. NO Special Character/Format.