\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{scrreprt} % default is A4 paper style and 11pt font size
%%%%%%%%%%%% version history %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%27.05.2021: updates about layout/plagiarism from Monica Patrascu, Bogdan Dumitrescu
%25.04.2020: modified the lst definitions (monospaced, gray); localized versions (romanian) for the \autoref command; updated the romanian.lbx file
%26.03.2017: corrections for the latex source-code: diacritics issues; corrected the glossaries and added listings packages; added fontspec (only works with xelatex/lualatex !!!)
%2014: put in latex version + some small additions - Florin Stoican
%2013: content from Dan Stefanoiu
%%%%%%%%%%%% macros for various paths %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def \cls {./cls} % path to common latex files (change for your own relative/absolute path)
\def \pics {./pics} % path to pics files (change for your own relative/absolute path)
\def \chapters {./chapters} % path to chapter files (change for your own relative/absolute path)
\def \code {./code} % path to source code files (change for your own relative/absolute path)
% you don't have to use them but it's nicer this way
% language={english/romanian} selects between the languages used in the manusript (changes, e.g., the name of the chapter)
% type={bachelor/master/phd} selects between the type of manusript (changes, e.g., the titlepage make-up)
\usepackage[language=romanian,type=bachelor]{\cls/standard} % introduces useful packages and commands(CHANGE ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING)
\addbibresource{\cls/bib.bib} % bib resource (using biblatex package, for complex stuff use the biber backend instead of bibtex
\include{\cls/gls} % put here all your glossary terms; only the ones actually used will appear in the glossary list of the manuscript
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% frontmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pagenumbering{roman} % default numbering for the frontmatter is roman
\title{Titlu lucrare de diplomă} % title of your manuscript
\author{nume student} % author name
\advisor{nume coordonator} % advisor name
% show table of contents, figures, tables and algorithms
\printnoidxglossaries % \printglossaries works only if the makeindex has the correct arguments
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mainmatter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pagenumbering{arabic} % default numbering for the mainmatter is arabic
% here is the text of you manuscript; you can put it directly here but it is better to include files (the main file will be more compact)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% back matter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{appendices} % from here onwards are the appendices