%% declarations for sa.cls %%%
%% Based on the article latex template
%% of the Journal of Statistical Software
%% by Achim Zeileis
%% Reformated for SocArXiv by Chris Marcum <cmarcum@uci.edu>
%% almost as usual
\author{Georg Simmel\\University of Strasbourg \And
Second Author\\Plus Affiliation}
\title{A Capitalized Title: Something about Social Structure}
%% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set:
\Plainauthor{Georg Simmel, Second Author} %% comma-separated
\Plaintitle{A Capitalized Title: Something about a Package foo} %% without formatting
\Shorttitle{A Capitalized Title} %% a short title (if necessary)
%% an abstract and keywords
The abstract of the article.
\Keywords{keywords, comma-separated, not capitalized}
\Plainkeywords{keywords, comma-separated, not capitalized} %% without formatting
%% at least one keyword must be supplied
%% Publication information
%% Edit as needed depending on status of manuscript.
%% Replace Preprint with journal short name of accepted
%% Pubs if copyright is open compliant. Add punctuation
%% for formatting as desired.
\Issue{} %Enter as "(Issue)" for APA
\Pages{} %Enter as "pp. m---n" for APA
\Submitdate{\today} %Enter date you submitted preprint for review
\Acceptdate{\today} %Enter date your paper was accepted for publication
\DOI{URL/DOI GOES HERE} %Enter final DOI here
%% The address of (at least) one author should be given
%% in the following format:
Georg Simmel\\
University of Strasbourg\\
Strasbourg, France\\
E-mail: \email{georg.simmel@unistra.fr}\\
URL: \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Simmel}
%% It is also possible to add a telephone and fax number
%% before the e-mail in the following format:
%% Telephone: +43/512/507-7103
%% Fax: +43/512/507-2851
%% for those who use Sweave please include the following line (with % symbols):
%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
%% end of declarations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% include your article here, just as usual
%% Note that you should use the \pkg{}, \proglang{} and \code{} commands.
Citations use natbib package functions citet and citep (like this for in-text \citet{simmel1903mml} and \citep{simmel1903mml} for parathentical), respectively).
%% Note: If there is markup in \(sub)section, then it has to be escape as above.