% Credits are indicated where needed. The general idea is based on a template by Vel (vel@LaTeXTemplates.com) and Frits Wenneker.
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article} % General settings in the beginning (defines the document class of your paper)
% 11pt = is the font size
% A4 is the paper size
% “article” is your document class
\input{general.tex} % Loads required packages from the separate file
% General information
\title{TITLE} % Adds your title
FIRSTNAME LASTNAME % Add your first and last name
%\thanks{} % Adds a footnote to your title
%\institution{YOUR INSTITUTION} % Adds your institution
\date{\small \today} % Adds the current date to your “cover” page; leave empty if you do not want to add a date
% Define what’s in your document
% If you want a cover page, uncomment "\input{content/0A-coverpage}" and comment "\maketitle" as well as "\input{content/0B-disclaimer}"
\maketitle % Print your title, author name and date; comment if you want a cover page
%\input{content/0A-coverpage} % Adds a cover page; uncomment if you want a cover page
\input{content/0B-disclaimer} % Gives you the word count; comment if you want a cover page
%\input{content/0C-toc} % Adds a table of content; uncomment if required
\input{content/1-abstract} % Adds your abstract
\input{content/2-introduction} % Adds your introduction
\input{content/3-litreview} % Adds your literature review
\input{content/4-theory} % Adds your theory section
\input{content/5-researchdesign} % Adds your research design
\input{content/6-analysis} % Adds your analysis
\input{content/7-conclusion} % Adds your conclusion
\input{content/8-bibliography} % Adds your references
\input{content/9A-appendix}% Adds an appendix
\input{content/9B-declaration} % Adds your declaration