%% @Author: Ines Abdeljaoued Tej
% @Date: 2024-08
%% @Class: Graduation Project, ESSAI - Carthage University, Tunisia.
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% \section{References}}{}{}
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\newcommand{\reportTitle} {%
\textsc{Graduation Project Report}
%\textsc{Projet de Fin d'\'etudes}
\newcommand{\reportAuthor} {%
FirstName \textsc{LastName}%
\newcommand{\reportSubject} {%
My very attractive \\ Title%
\newcommand{\dateSoutenance} {%
\newcommand{\studyDepartment} {%
Entreprise d'accueil %Statistique
\newcommand{\ESSAI} {%
Engineering School of Statistics and Information Analysis
%Ecole Sup\'erieure de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information
%\newcommand{\codePFE} {% Reference
% Code PFE%
\newcommand{\juryPresident} {%
Mr Ben Foulen \textsc{Foulenia}%
\newcommand{\juryPresidentDesc} {%
\newcommand{\juryMemberOne} {%
Ms Ben Foulena \textsc{Foulen}%
\newcommand{\juryMemberOneDesc} {%
Examiner %Mentor
\newcommand{\juryMemberTwo} {%
Mr Ben Foulen \textsc{Fouleni}%
\newcommand{\juryMemberTwoDesc} {%
Reviewer% Examiner, Reporter
\newcommand{\juryMemberThree} {%
M. Ben Foulen \textsc{Fouleni}%
\newcommand{\juryMemberThreeDesc} {%
Supervisor% Examiner, Reporter
\newcommand{\juryMemberFour} {%
M. Ben Foulen \textsc{Fouleni}%
\newcommand{\juryMemberFourDesc} {%
Mentor% Examiner, Reporter
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\newcommand{\MyCommand} {%
Does nothing really%
% used in maketitle
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% documentation: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/sagetex/sagetexpackage.pdf
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\newacronym{svm}{SVM}{Support Vector Machines}
%\includegraphics[width=2cm, height=1.6cm]{Images/universite-carthage.jpg} &\includegraphics[width=3cm, height=1.6cm]{Images/embleme.jpg}& \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=1.6cm]{Images/logo-essai.jpg}\\
& Tunisian Republic& \\
& Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research &\\%
& Carthage University - \ESSAI{} & \\
% Column 2
%\studyDepartment \\
% Engineering Education Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics Discipline%
% Cycle de Formation d'Ing\'enieurs en Statistique et Analyse de l'Information%
%Carthage University
{\textit{Submitted to}}\\
{\bf\large \ESSAI{}}\\
\textit{In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of}\\
\textbf{\large National Engineering Diploma in Statistics and Information Analysis} \\
\vspace{30pt} {%
\vspace{10pt} {%
Defended on~\dateSoutenance~ in front of the committee composed of:\\
%Soutenu le \dateSoutenance, devant la commission d'examen:\\
\begin{tabular}{p{0.3\linewidth} p{0.15\linewidth}}
\juryPresident{} & \juryPresidentDesc{}\\
\juryMemberOne{} & \juryMemberOneDesc{}\\
\juryMemberTwo{} & \juryMemberTwoDesc{}\\
\juryMemberThree{} & \juryMemberThreeDesc{}\\
\juryMemberFour{} & \juryMemberFourDesc{}\\
\textbf{\textit{A Graduation Project made at}}\\
% Table des matières, figures, tableaux ; Glossaire
% ###############################
% ###############################
% -1 \part{part}
% 0 \chapter{chapter}
% 1 \section{section}
% 2 \subsection{subsection}
% 3 \subsubsection{subsubsection}
% 4 \paragraph{paragraph}
% 5 \subparagraph{subparagraph}
% Dédicace et Remerciements
%For all they have endured to satisfy all my needs and wishes
A ... pour son(leur) sacrifice et son(leur) soutien, \\
en témoignage de mon infinie reconnaissance et mon profond attachement \\
A tous ceux qui me sont chers...
% And maybe a quote here
% \raggedright\hspace{5.75cm} To all of you,~\\
%\raggedright\hspace{7.75cm} I dedicate this work.
% \raggedleft\normalfont\large\itshape{} \reportAuthor\par%
I could never have realized this project without the precious help and support of many people ... First, I would like to thank my academic supervisor, \juryMemberFour{}, for . I would like to express my gratitude to \juryMemberThree{}, for giving me the desire to do a thesis on ... within \studyDepartment. I also thank him for his welcome... I would also like to say to jury president how honored I am. I am very grateful to (Ms., Mr.) \juryMemberOne{} for making himself/herself available, I am especially grateful to \juryMemberTwo{} for the interest he/she has shown in this project by committing to be a reporter. \\
My gratitude goes to those who have provided emotional support for this work: my family and friends.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Algorithms}
%\printacronyms[heading=chapter*, name=Acronyms]
%\printacronyms[heading=chapter*, name=Notations]
\pagenumbering{arabic}% 1 2 3 4 5
% \doublespacing{}% Double spacing between lines
% Divers chapitres
\chapter{Chapter One}%
\chapter{Modelling data}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Autre Chapitre}%
And a very interesting conclusion here\@. ~\\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo