The Title of Your Thesis Goes Here
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a year ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
UCR PhD Thesis template

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%% Copyright (C) 1988-2004 Daniel Gildea, BBF, Ethan Munson.
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% 2007/08/01
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% \documentclass[11pt]{ucthesis}
% \documentclass[11pt]{ucr}
\documentclass[oneside,final, letterpaper]{ucr}
% Declarations for Front Matter
\title{The Title of Your Thesis Goes Here}
\author{John Joe Smith}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\chair{Dr. Linda G. Scott}
\othermembers{Dr. Kara E. Oswood\\
Dr. Karen Smith}
\field{Computer Science}
I am grateful to my advisor, without whose help, I would not have been here.
To my parents for all the support.
% \part{First Part}
\input{chapter1} %usually intro
% \singlespacing
% \bibliographystyle{alpha}