%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COVER PAGE VALUES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\title{Concept Document} % Change document title
\author{Author Name} % Change author name
\project{Project Name} % Change (or omit) project name
%\date{} % Change displayed date value from default
\imagefolder{./examples} % Change folder to look for images in
%\logo{} % Add logo image to cover page
\revision{Revision 1.0} % Change revision number
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL SETTINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} % Change bibliography style
%\footertext{}{} % Change values in footer text
%\nofootertext % Hide footer text
\imageref{Header image is "Space Shuttle Columbia launching" from NASA Commons} % Reference where header images came from (appear on last page as footnote)
\drafting % Comment out to hide \temp and \crit sections
%\sectionnumbers% Sections are major numbers, subsections minor, etc.
%\subsectionnumbers % Sections not numbered, only begin at subsections and below
%\printhelp % Use this to see/print help pages
\subsection{Executive Summary}
This is what text looks like if you put it before the first section in a document. \lipsum[100]
\section{Section heading}{sectionimage.jpg}
\subsection{Subsection Name}
\begin{nicelist}{List Title}
\item list item one
\item list item two
\item this also exists for enums with niceenum
\subsection{Another Subsection Name}
\section{Second Section Name}
\temp{These are some notes for yourself, designed for use when dummying out sections, only visible when you put \textbf{\textbackslash drafting} in the preamble. You can comment it out or remove it to not see this.}
\crit{These are some other notes for yourself, designed for use when critiquing sections, only visible when you put \textbf{\textbackslash drafting} in the preamble. You can comment it out or remove it to not see this.}
\tipbox*{Note}{This is a wrapped tipbox. This is text that goes in the note, let me see if it wraps and still looks nice?}
\subsection{Second Subsection Name}
\tipbox{Alert!}{This is a non-wrapped tipbox (no paragraph after it). This is text that goes in the note, let me see if it wraps and still looks nice?}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Name}
\begin{niceenum}{Enum Title}
\item This is an item
\item This is a second item
\item \link{secretlab.com.au}{This item is a link}
\subsubsubsection{Subsubsubsection Name}
\subsubsubsubsection{Subsubsubsubsection Name}
\subsubsubsubsubsection{Subsubsubsubsection Name}
\lipsum[40] Please see Figure \ref{img:logo.png}.
\image{0.4}{latex.png}{Caption Text}
\subsubsubsubsubsubsection{Subsubsubsubsubsection Name}
\subsubsubsubsubsubsubsection{Subsubsubsubsubsubsection Name}
\lipsum[100] As per \cite{kopka2003guide}, \cite{mittelbach2004latex}, \cite{hahn1993latex}, \cite{long2015concept}, and \cite{griffiths1997learning}.