% arara: pdflatex: { interaction : nonstopmode }
% arara: biber: { options: ['--isbn-normalise'] }
\documentclass[t, aspectratio=169, english, table]{_style/tudelft-beamer}
% \includeonlyframes{current}% beamer documentation \S 4.3.3
\title[My awesome year]{Looking back on an awesome year with many conversations over a multitude of good cups of tea}
\subtitle{including a sidenote on said tea}
\author[Einstein \& Lorentz]{A.~Einstein\inst{1} \and H.~Lorentz\inst{2}}
% define a graphic to be shown next to the title
\titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=0.4\paperwidth]{icons/digital society/electrical_engineering.pdf}}
% optional:
% \setlength{\titlesplitpos}{-0.5\paperwidth}
% mind that in this case, the white pane is the background, and the blue one on top.
\institute[Universities of Somewhere and Elsewhere]{
\strut\llap{\inst{1}\,}Department of Black Holes and Tea\\University of Leiden\and
\strut\llap{\inst{2}\,}Department of Bending Rivers, Space and Time\\University of Delft}
\date[CFP 2003]{Conference on Fabulous Presentations, 2003}
[#1]% alignment anchor within image (centered by default)
(#2)% position on the page (origin is top left)
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Welcome!} % some commands, e.g. \verb require [fragile]
\frametitle{TU Delft presentation template}
\framesubtitle{In \LaTeX\ using the package Beamer}
This template can be used to make a presentation in the 2022 version of the TU Delft style described here:
The icons have been converted to pdf, so they can be included crisply against a colored background:
\textcolor{tud pink}{\rule{10ex}{10ex}}\hspace{-10ex}%
A digital version of this presentation can be found at \url{https://gitlab.com/novanext/tudelft-beamer}.
Here's a QR code made by \LaTeX, pointing to the same link:
Slides like these are straightforward to make, the following contains more fancy examples. Using all of these slide options in one presentation is probably too much for your audience\ldots
\renewcommand{\bginsert}{\hfill\raisebox{0.15\paperheight}{\color{tud purple}%
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=tud pink}
\renewcommand{\sectionsubtitle}{Hope you will be inspired!}
\section{Random Subset\\of Features}
If you happen to give a presentation with an older projector, you can set the aspect ratio to 4:3 using the documentclass option aspectratio=43.
To make a presentation with citations easier to follow, a footnote will show the full reference:
Rivers and sweet tea do unexpected things.\cite{Einstein1926}
\begin{columns}[T, onlytextwidth]
Short lines of text work well in a column.
You can combine a text column with images, where the \texttt{\textbackslash absimage}
command can be used to place a picture at an exact location, over other elements.
To make sure the columns are top-aligned, and margins don't jump between pages,
you can add the optional arguments \texttt{[T, onlytextwidth]} to the
\texttt{\textbackslash columns} environment.
\color{tud teal}
Let's attempt to place an image on top of this square:
% square filling the column
% place an image
% horizontal position = 73%
% vertical position = 45%
% width = 40% of page
\absimage{.74, .55}{.35}{tud-logo.pdf}
The command \texttt{\textbackslash grid} can be used to add a grid to the slide,
which makes it easier to place elements at a specific location.
The grid applies to \texttt{tikz}; \texttt{textpos} has the origin at the upper left.
\draw (0.75, 0.5) circle (0.5ex);
\node[anchor=south west] at (0.75, 0.5) {(0.75, 0.5)};
\begin{block}{Default block}
\item item 1
\item item 2
\begin{alertblock}{Alert block}
\item Sugar in a stirred cup of tea gathers in the middle.
\item Rivers often take a detour through flat terrain.
\begin{exampleblock}{Example block}
\frametitle{List styling}
In beamer, enumerations and itemizations can consist of three levels:
\item One
\item Two
\item Three
\item One
\item Two
\item Three
\begin{frame}{Speed up the compilation cycle}
\item Add to the preamble:\\
\texttt{\textbackslash includeonlyframes\{current\}}\\
\item And to the frame you are working on:\\
(from the \texttt{beamer} documentation \S 4.3.3)
\item Use \texttt{pdflatex} instead of \texttt{xelatex}
\item Compile in draft mode.
\renewcommand{\bginsert}{\hfill\smash{\rotatebox{30}{\color{tud teal}%
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=tud green}
\section{Working with\\split frames}
\renewcommand{\bginsert}{\textcolor{tud blue}{\hspace*{-0.1\paperwidth}\tudflame[0.6\paperwidth]}}
\frametitle{A split \texttt{frame}}%
\framesubtitle{for \texttt{\textbackslash splitpos} = 0.4 \texttt{\textbackslash paperwidth}}
When \texttt{\textbackslash splitpos} is given a positive value, the frame title to the right side, and the left side gets a colored background.
\item The \texttt{textcolumn} environment can be used to add text to either one of the columns.
\item The command \texttt{\textbackslash bginsert} can be redefined to add something on top of the colored pane, clipped off at the edges.
\item Use \texttt{\textbackslash usebackgroundtemplate} to redefine the background more generally.
\frametitle{A split \texttt{frame}}%
To keep the footers visible, they can be made white using these commands:
\item \texttt{\textbackslash leftfooterwhitefalse}
\item \texttt{\textbackslash rightfooterwhitefalse}
\item \texttt{\textbackslash leftfooterwhitetrue}
\item \texttt{\textbackslash rightfooterwhitetrue}
The scope for all of these tweaks can be limited by \texttt{\{} and \texttt{\}},
or---more readable---by \texttt{\textbackslash begingroup} and \texttt{\textbackslash endgroup}.
\frametitle{Negative \texttt{\textbackslash splitpos}}
\framesubtitle{e.g. \texttt{-0.4\textbackslash paperwidth}}
Using a negative value for \texttt{\textbackslash splitpos}, the background panes swap places.
The \texttt{tikzcolumn} environment can be used instead of \texttt{textcolumn},
to place items in one of the panes using tikz\footnote[frame]{see \url{https://tikz.dev/}} commands.
The default units are set relative to the paper size.
The \texttt{abstikz} environment does almost the same, without being restricted to the column, or influencing the placement of another \texttt{textcolumn}.
\node at (.8, .5)
{\includegraphics[height=0.9\paperheight]{icons/design proces/iterations.pdf}};
\draw[red, latex-] (1, 0) -- ++(135:1em) node[anchor=east] {(\textbackslash paperwidth, 0)};
\draw[red, latex-] (1, 1) -- ++(-135:1em) node[anchor=east] {(\textbackslash paperwidth, \textbackslash paperheight)};
\draw[red, latex-] (0, 0) -- ++(45:1em) node[anchor=west,rotate=90] {origin (0, 0)---using \texttt{abstikz}};
\begin{frame}{Mass--energy equivalence}
They say every formula you add to a presentation, will reduce your audience
by \SI{50}{\percent}. A simple yet effective way to mitigate this effect,
is adding a compact nomenclature to the slides containing formulae.
If you find this is taking up too much of your precious space,
than you are doing something wrong, and it is not adding this little nomenclature.
% Pro tip: You can use this mechanism as well to show other bits of easily
% forgotten information, say, the meaning of acronyms, or the value of
% parameters that your listeners need to know to fathom the depths of your
% insights.
$E$ & Energy & (\unit{J}) \\
$m$ & Mass & (\unit{kg}) \\
$c_0$ & Speed of light in vacuum & (\unit{m/s})\\
%(\qty{299.792458e6}{m/s}) \\
TU & Technical University
\begin{columns}[T, onlytextwidth]
All colors from the TUD style guide are predefined for your convenience.
You can create a table similar to the example in their powerpoint as such:\\[1ex]
\newcommand{\thead}{\color{white}\bfseries} % for table header formatting
\thead Table head & {\thead Table head} \\
Huge number & 100e3 \\
Large number & 1000\\
Normal number & 10\\
Small number & 0.1\\
\item \textcolor{tud navy}{\textbf{navy}}
\item \textcolor{tud topaz}{\textbf{topaz}}
\item \textcolor{tud blue}{\textbf{blue}}
\item \textcolor{tud purple}{\textbf{purple}}
\item \textcolor{tud pink}{\textbf{pink}}
\item \textcolor{tud shiraz}{\textbf{shiraz}}
\item \textcolor{tud grapefruit}{\textbf{grapefruit}}
\item \textcolor{tud orange}{\textbf{orange}}
\item \textcolor{tud yellow}{\textbf{yellow}}
\item \textcolor{tud green}{\textbf{green}}
\item \textcolor{tud teal}{\textbf{teal}}
\item \textcolor{tud navy}{\textbf{navy}}
\item \textcolor{tud topaz}{\textbf{topaz}}
\item \textcolor{tud blue}{\textbf{blue}}
\item \textcolor{tud purple}{\textbf{purple}}
\item \textcolor{tud pink}{\textbf{pink}}
\item \textcolor{tud shiraz}{\textbf{shiraz}}
\item \textcolor{tud grapefruit}{\textbf{grapefruit}}
\item \textcolor{tud orange}{\textbf{orange}}
\item \textcolor{tud yellow}{\textbf{yellow}}
\item \textcolor{tud green}{\textbf{green}}
\item \textcolor{tud teal}{\textbf{teal}}
Some commands take optional arguments in the form of \verb|<x-y>|,
where \verb|x| is the first `sub-frame' on which the context is shown,
and \verb|y| is the last. \verb|x| or \verb|y| can be replaced by \verb|+|,
referring to `the next sub-frame'.
\item<+-> uncovered\ldots
\item<+-> one\ldots
\item<+-> by\ldots
\item<+-> one.
Using only:\only<1>{1}\only<2>{2}\only<3>{3}
Using onslide:\onslide<1>{1}\onslide<2>{2}\onslide<3>{3}
Using pause:\pause1\pause2\pause3
For more advanced animations, see \S 14 of the manual:\\
% \url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/animate}\\
% \url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/media9}
% \transduration{2} automatic progression of slides
\renewcommand{\bginsert}{\hfill\smash{\raisebox{-0.2\paperheight}{\color{tud orange}%
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=tud yellow}
\begin{frame}{A bar chart}
\begin{frame}{A pie chart}
\begin{frame}{Confidence intervals}
\begin{frame}{Stream plot}
\renewcommand{\bginsert}{\hfill\smash{\raisebox{-0.2\paperheight}{\color{tud orange}%
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=tud yellow}
\section{Full-screen graphics}
\renewcommand{\bginsert}{\hspace*{-3ex}\smash{\raisebox{-20ex}{\color{tud blue}\tudflame[90ex]}}\hfill}
\node[align=center, font=\huge\color{white}] at (0.5, 0.5) {%
It is important to use the \textcolor{black}{flame}\\
often and abundantly, and use\\
the \textcolor{tud orange}{colors} given on the next slide.};
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=white,bg=tud primary}
\rlap{\textcolor{tud grapefruit}{\rule{\paperwidth}{\paperheight}}}%
\textcolor{tud orange}{\smash{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{tud-logo.pdf}}}%
\frametitle{White Frame Title}
\framesubtitle{On blue background}
Optional text\ldots
{\usebeamerfont{title}\color{white}\huge Bedankt voor uw aandacht}\\\medskip
\hfill \large{\insertshortauthor}
% the 'I' is caused by 'allowframebreaks'
\AtNextBibliography{\footnotesize}% or in the preamble \AtBeginBibliography{\small}