UNIPD Department of Biology Thesis Template
Cappelletti Lucas
Last Updated:
3 months ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis Template used in the Biology Department (DiBio) at the University of Padua
link to the template guidelines (they are in Italian)
- Preamble (automatically downloads a word file)
- Geometry specifications
In English (same specifications)
retrieved from the biology department website pages: https://biologia-molecolare.biologia.unipd.it/laurea-triennale/conseguimento-della-laurea/date-e-scadenze-di-laurea-2025/ and https://biologia-molecolare.biologia.unipd.it/lauree-magistrali/conseguimento-della-laurea/date-e-scadenze-di-laurea-2025/

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