\def\jobname{main} % or whatever your main document .tex file is named!
\title{Using PSTricks with pdflatex on Overleaf}
%% These lines are required ≥TL2021 due to
%% incompatibility between hyperref and preview
%% (See https://www.reddit.com/r/LaTeX/comments/jhi7nk/with_pdflatex_hyperref_breaks_autopstpdf/ and
%% https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-auctex/2020-11/msg00000.html
\item[Solution 1 (Recommended):] Compile with XeLaTeX. You can switch to XeLaTeX from the Overlef project: see \href{https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Changing_compiler}{this help page} too.
\item[Solution 2:] Use the \texttt{auto-pst-pdf} package \textbf{together with} a custom \texttt{latexmkrc} file that contains this line:
$hash_calc_ignore_pattern{'pdf'} = '^/(CreationDate|ModDate|ID) ';
You will also need to add this line before your \verb|\documentclass|:
\def\jobname{main} % or whatever your main document .tex file is named!
This is a PSTricks drawing:
%% This example was taken from https://www.tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi?file=Examples/pst-coil/coils
% (Nearly) original code
\qdisk(!2 2 70 sin mul add 2 -2 70 cos mul add){4pt}
(2,0)(!2 2 70 sin mul add 2 -2 70 cos mul add)
Here's a JPG picture to prove we're \emph{not} using the LaTeX+dvipdf engine!