% Deedy CV/Resume
% XeLaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (5/5/2014)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Debarghya Das (http://www.debarghyadas.com)
% With extensive modifications by:
% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important notes:
% This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX.
\documentclass[letterpaper]{deedy-resume} % Use US Letter paper, change to a4paper for A4
\lastupdated % Print the Last Updated text at the top right
\namesection{Mandeep}{Kumar}{ % Your name
\urlstyle{same}\url{https://ca.linkedin.com/in/kumarmandeep} \\ % Your website, LinkedIn profile or other web address
\href{mailto:mandeepkumar314@gmail.com}{mandeepkumar314@gmail.com} | 647.721.5021 % Your contact information
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} % The left column takes up 33% of the text width of the page
% Education
\subsection{University of Toronto}
\descript{MEng in Aerospace Engineering}
\location{Expected Aug 2015 | Toronto, CA \\ Cum. GPA: 3.65/4.0}
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\descript{B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering}
\location{May 2011 | Kurukshetra, IN}
\location{ Cum. GPA: 8.82 / 10.0 }
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Jindal Modern School}
\location{Grad. April 2006 | Hisar, India}
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% Links
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% Coursework
Aerospace Propulsion \\
Advanced Fluid Mechanics \\
Tourbomachinery \\
Computer Aided Design \\
Measurements and Statistics \\
Aeroelasticity \\
Dynamic Response of Materials \\
Project Management \\
Sustainable Aviation
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
Compressible Flow Thermodynamics \\
Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines \\
Power Plant Engineering \\
Fluid Mechanics and Dynamics \\
Engineering and Machine Drawing \\
Strength and Vibration of Materials \\
Steam Generation and Refrigeration \\
Numerical Methods and Programming
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
% Skills
\location{Over 1000 lines:}
C++ \textbullet{} Matlab\textbullet{} R Studio\textbullet{}\LaTeX\ \\
C \textbullet{} HTML 5 \textbullet{}MySQL
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Design Softwares}
AutoCAD \textbullet{} CATIA\textbullet{} Solidworks
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\subsection{Finite Element Analysis}
Ansys \textbullet{} Fluent
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\end{minipage} % The end of the left column
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.66\textwidth} % The right column takes up 66% of the text width of the page
% Experience
\descript{| KPCB Fellow + Software Engineering Intern}
\location{Expected June 2014 – Sep 2014 | Mountain View, CA}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item 52 out of 2500 applicants chosen to be a KPCB Fellow 2014.
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\descript{| Software Engineering Intern}
\location{May 2013 – Aug 2013 | Mountain View, CA}
\item Worked on the YouTube Captions team in primarily vanilla Javascript and Python to plan, design and develop the full stack implementation of a new framework to add and edit Automatic Speech Recognition captions.
\item Created a backbone.js-like framework for the Captions editor.
\item All code was reviewed, perfected, and pushed to production.
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\descript{| Open Source Contributor \& Team Leader}
\location{Jan 2013 – May 2013 | Palo Alto, CA \& Ithaca, NY}
\item Phabricator is used daily by Facebook, Dropbox, Quora, Asana and more.
\item I created the Meme generator, the entire Lipsum application, ported Tokens to different apps, fixed many bugs and more in PHP and Shell.
\item Led a team from MIT, Cornell, IC London and UHelsinki for the project.
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
% Research
\runsubsection{Cornell Robot Learning Lab}
\descript{| Head Undergrad Research}
\location{Jan 2014 – Present | Ithaca, NY}
Worked with \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~ashesh/}{Ashesh Jain}} and \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asaxena/}{Prof Ashutosh Saxena}} to create \textbf{PlanIt}, a tool which learns from large scale user preference feedback to plan robot trajectories in human environments. Publication submitted.
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
\runsubsection{Cornell Phonetics Lab}
\descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
\location{Mar 2012 – May 2013 | Ithaca, NY}
Lead the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research. Publication submitted.
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% Awards
2014 & top 52/2500 & KPCB Engineering Fellow\\
2014 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} most points & Google Code Jam, Qualification Round\\
2014 & 1\textsuperscript{st}/50 & Microsoft Coding Competition, Cornell\\
2013 & National & Jump Trading Challenge Finalist\\
2013 & 7\textsuperscript{th}/120 & CS 3410 Cache Race Bot Tournament \\
2012 & 2\textsuperscript{nd}/150 & CS 3110 Biannual Intra-Class Bot Tournament \\
2011 & National & Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO) Finalist \\
2010 & National & Comp. Soc. of India's National Programming Contest\\
\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section
% Societies
2014 & top 12\%ile & Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society\\
2014 & National & The Global Leadership and Education Forum (tGELF)\\
2012 & National & Golden Key International Honor Society\\
2012 & National & National Society of Collegiate Scholars\\
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