Distributed system is a collection of independent systems which can communicate with each other by transferring massages. There are some major issues in distributed systems but we focus in this paper on fault tolerance. It is the system’s ability to work in the condition when there occur any type of some fault in the system, like failure in communication, hardware or resources. It is a very important issue in distributed system, in this paper we present a survey of different types of fault tolerance techniques and their comparison.
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Web security issues remain a major challenge with numerous security concerns, Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDos) leads among these. It was evolved from DOS and its main purpose is to consume large amount of server resources so that the server cannot provide service to normal users. Attackers usually gain access to large number of computers by exploiting the vulnerabilities to set up attack armies (i.e., Botnets). This paper will review and analyse different existing DDoS detecting techniques against different parameters, and propose a new hybrid architecture for the defence mechanism of DDoS attack.
Mitesh Bhopale
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