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This is a template for students that are going to graduate in Computer Engineering at the Federico II University of Naples.

Abstract: Studying the impacts of climate change requires looking at a multitude of variables across a broad range of sectors [1,2]. Information on the variables involved is often unevenly available or offers different uncertainties [3,4], and a lack of uniform terminology and methods further complicates the process of analysis, resulting in communication gaps when research enterprises span different sectors. For example, models designed by experts in one given discipline might assume conventions in language or oversimplify cross-disciplinary links in a way that is unfamiliar for scientists in another discipline. Geospatial Semantic Array Programming (GeoSemAP) offers the potential to move toward overcoming these challenges by promoting a uniform approach to data collection and sharing [5]. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has been exploring the use of geospatial semantics through a module in the PESETA II project (Projection of economic impacts of climate change in sectors of the European Union based on bottom-up analysis).

Ceci est un modèle de présentation mis à la disposition des chercheurs des Archives Poincaré. Il est évidemment à adapter.

Template pour le rapport de stage de 3e année à Télécom SudParis en formation Ingénieur. Version 2021 avec : - nouveau logo IP Paris - changement des noms de certaines sections - meilleur positionnement de l'année par rapport au logo et de la boîte vis-à-vis du trait horizontal de bas de page

This template provides a framework and example for portfolio submissions for students at Grand Valley State University who are in Professor Wells' Math 210 classes.

A Very Simple LaTeX Resume Template

This template is formatted for long and formal papers. It is attempted to be useful for college students. Focus on social science reports, but could be used in other fields.

Article template for publication in Emerald - Business Process Management Journal.

TCC: Modelo de Apresentação de Trabalho Monográfico Acadêmico Template v2 por Francisco Reinaldo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6161-6755 (http://lattes.cnpq.br/7401534350061823) Adaptado da versão 1, em aula, de: Rodrigo de Moraes --------------------- Agradecimentos a Overleaf pela oportunidade ---------------------
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