Johns Hopkins PhD Dissertation Template
This template was originally by R. Jacob Vogelstein
Updated on March 1, 2010 by Noah J. Cowan
Updated by Brian D. Weitzner, April 29, 2014
Edited March, 2016 by Karla Hernandez
It remains your responsibility to verify all formatting requirements are met!
Karla Hernandez
Johns Hopkins University Unofficial Thesis Template
This is an un-official template for Johns Hopkins University theses. This template was originally created by R. Jacob Vogelstein, then updated by Noah J. Cowan, Brian Weitzner, John Muschelli, Leonardo Collado Torres, and Ben Ackerman.
Leonardo Collado Torres, John Muschelli, Brian Weitzner, Noah J. Cowan, R. Jacob Vogelstein, Ben Ackerman