Thesis template for the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). It supports both Vietnamese (use [vi] option) and English (use [en] option).
Template khóa luận tốt nghiệp tại UIT
Trong thời gian sử dụng, nếu có khó khăn các bạn có thể đặt câu hỏi trên repository tại, mình sẽ cố gắng giải đáp.
Since my research is related to multilingual dictionaries, I have the excuse of using this TikZ drawing of multilingual "thank you's" at the end of my presentations.
It had the advantage/disadvantage of distracting the audience enough from raising nit-picking, asked-just-for-sake-for-asking types of questions. :-)
If compiling this takes too long, the best way to use this is probably to use the result PDF directly via e.g. \includegraphics[page=1]{multiling-tq.pdf}
BTW -- can you spot the two fictional languages? :-)