% WORKAROUND (an update of the geometry package broke beamer...)
% \usetheme[uttitlepage=false]{ut}
% \usetheme[euler=false,titlepagebg=B]{ut}
% \usetheme[titlepage=C,debug]{ut}
% \usetheme[titlepage=A]{ut}
\title[UT Beamer]{An Introduction to the UT\\ Beamer Theme}
% \subtitle[Short subtitle]{I am not using any subtitles}
\author[J.~Goseling]{Jasper Goseling } %
\institute[UT-EWI-SOR]{Stochastic Operations Research Group,\\ University of Twente}
\date[16-09-2011]{September 16, 2011}
\footlinetext{[ J.~Goseling ]}
% \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{titlegraphic}}
% \utbeamerset{tpboxbx=10}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Installation}
Make sure that the following files are available to tex
\item beamerthemeut.sty
\item beamerthemeutresources.pdf
(One way to make them available to tex is to put them in a directory together with your tex file.)
\begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{A Minimal Example}
\\title[UT Beamer]\{A UT Beamer Theme\}
\\author[J.~Goseling]\{Jasper Goseling\}
\\institute[UT-EWI-SOR]\{Stochastic Operations Research
Group,\\\\ University of Twente\}
\\date[12-05-2011]\{May 12, 2011\}
Compile with xelatex or pdflatex. If compiled with xelatex (recommended) the Arial Narrow truetype/opentype font needs to be available.
\begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Style Options}
\item uttitlepage=[true,false], default true: If false, use the default Beamer title page
\item titlepage=[A,B,C,D], default A: Select a title page layout, in particular background graphics
\item euler=[true,false], default true: Selects Euler as the math font
\item debug, not enabled by default: Draws boxes on the title page to facilitate layout
Example: \verb!\usetheme[titlepage=B,euler=false,debug]{ut}!
\begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{\textbackslash utbeamerset}
The command \verb!\utbeamerset! can be used to set additional options in the theme. Currently
only the layout of the title page can be adjusted. The command can be issued in the preamble as:
\\utbeamerset\{optiona=valuea, optionb=valueb, optionc=valuec\}
\begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Layout of the Title Page}
\item The title page consists of three boxes, A, B and C. Box A contains the title and subtitle. Box B contains the author names, affiliations and date. Box C contains the titlegraphic. The boxes are positioned absolutely on the page. The position and the size of the boxes can be adjusted with the \verb!\utbeamerset! command. Box A has top left coordinate (\verb!tpboxax!,\verb!tpboxay!), width \verb!tpboxawd! and height \verb!tpboxaht!. All sizes and positions are in mm.
\item Overview of all options that can be used in \verb!\utbeamerset!:
tpboxax, tpboxay, tpboxawd, tpboxaht, tpboxbx, tpboxby, tpboxbwd, tpboxbht, tpboxcx, tpboxcy, tpboxcwd, tpboxcht.
\item By default the boxes themselves are not visible. By using the option \verb!debug (\usetheme[debug]{ut})! the boxes are visible, faciliting the layout.
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Fonts}
Use xelatex to get Arial fonts.
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Feedback}
Feedback is greatly appreciated. \\
Jasper Goseling (j.goseling@utwente.nl)
\Large Introduction to the Next Part
\begin{frame} \frametitle{A Normal Frame}
A list
\item First item
\item Second item
\begin{block}{A Block}
Content of the block.
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Testing the Math Font}
\alpha, \beta, \gamma, 1, 2, 3, \int_a^b f(x)dx, \sum_{i=1}^N, \mathbb{E}[X].