There are several voice communication systems that are used nowadays which are capable of maintain voice calls between two users in real time. Telephones are widely used all around the world in an unlimited kind of situations. All of these situations expose the microphone (or microphones) of the phones to different and unpredictable noises, as street noise, sea noise, rain noise, wind noise, unwanted voices, car motors, etc. As microphones capture all the sounds around it, including the wanted voice and the unwanted noises, it is necessary to implement digital real time filters capable of attenuate as much as possible all the surrounding noises.
It exists a large quantity of noise reduction methods that have been used in the calling algorithms of phones. Even if these methods have had, in general, a good performance, there is still a research being done in this area in order to improve the current results. Because of this, the multichannel methods were created (using multiple microphones) as well as new algorithms that pretend to have a better noise reduction than the single channel methods. Most of these methods require a speech presence probability (SPP) method to achieve the noise reduction.
The following document presents a research about different SPP methods as well as a comparison between these. This includes an explanation on how theses algorithm work, a Matlab implementation using real voice and noise recordings and objective tests of the filter.
With Overleaf, edit online instantly this presentation (Internal talk at CU-Boulder) and download a PDF version.
This project is also available on my web site
A book on Docker in Portuguese, created using the Legrand Orange Book LaTeX Template from
The Legrand Orange Book template was created by Mathias Legrand ( with modifications by Vel ( and made available under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
To get the correct answer one must ask the correct question. In the field of Quantum Gravity the question has been how do we quantize General Relativity or derive a quantum theory which becomes General Relativity at low energies. Observing that Quantum Field Theory was the result of making Quantum Mechanics into a relativistic theory, I asked myself why not make QFT obey the principles of GR? I answered this question with a model I call Relativization. In a series of three papers I presented an answer to this alternative question which gives finite results for everything from black holes to particle physics.
Presented at the April meeting of the American Physical Society
Paper assignment.
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Original author:
Frits Wenneker (
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El presengte trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las bondades de los modelos Logit y probit dentro del campo de la estimación de modelos con variable endógena discreta dicotómica.
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The Legrand Orange Book
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Version 2.0 (9/2/15)
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Mathias Legrand ( with modifications by:
Vel (
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
edgar luis bautista ramos
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