In 1957 Herbert Kroemer published a paper entitled “Quasi-Electric and Quasi-Magnetic Fields in Non-Uniform Semiconductors". In it he expressed the utility of non-uniform semiconductor alloys in exploiting their natural atomic potential gradients to imply quasi-electric fields. The breakthrough in Modulation Doped Field Effect Transistors ( or MODFETs) came from the ground-breaking work done by him and Zhores Alferov on Semiconductor hetero-structures that utilize these very fields. I will examine just Herbert’s findings.
In this programming assignment we were supposed to understand the concepts of FFT, Inverse FFT, DCT, Inverse DCT, Hybrid Image, Cooley–Tukey algorithm and visualization.
O objetivo do experimento foi entender o princípio de funcionamento de um voltímetro, amperímetro, gerador de funções e osciloscópio digital, familiarizar-se com os principais controladores e ajustes dos instrumentos de bancada, e efetuar medições diversas, que serão utilizadas durante o semestre letivo.