Leiden University Beamer Theme
A beamer theme that aims to closely mimic Leiden University's presentation slides as provided in their house style.
J.P. van Leenen
Leiden Beamer Theme
Beamer template for Leiden University, with support for various faculties through different highlight-colors.
dr. Joost Schalken, Pepijn van Heiningen, Sander van Rijn
2016 LUMC Beamer template 2.0
Beamer Presentation
LaTeX Template
Version 2.0 (10/06/16)
The self-defined font is used, because 'Calibri' is
not supported in the latex font packages. 'LuaLatex'
should be used.
This template has been generated according to
the Power Point template of LUMC in 2016.
This is generated purely with images as the
The bullet point color was used purely for personal
Any more adding to the template are welcome.
In order to use the navigation bar, the title
for each section should not be to long.
Adding animation is possible. I prefer to add another
pdf file with:
This is my first template, the files might be not
well organized, sorry for that.
Shengnan Liu
Division Medical imaging processing,
Leiden University Medical Center
Modification Log:
Generated by Shengnan Liu on 21-01-2016
Cleaned up for further usage on 10-06-2016
Shengnan Liu