LaTeX templates and examples — French

Based on a TeXnicCenter-Template, which was created by Christoph Börensen and slightly modified by Tino Weinkauf.

Exemple de MCOT pour les TIPE (Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés) pour les concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs à partir de la session 2017. L'idée est de laisser LaTeX gérer la bibliographie en la complétant au passage via l'utilisation de pour les recherches et la récupération des entrée BibTeX comme décrit dans cette vidéo.

This is the partial source code and images of Edible Food Book, a CC-BY-SA-3.0 book. Copyright © 2013 Abdelkrime Aries <> Some fonts and colours have been modified from the original. This template contains only nuts, cereals and pulses (grain legumes), and the images have been resized to save disk space. You can see the complete output PDF here, or get the complete source at the original Github site.

Ce document regroupe les codes TIKZ des figures utilisées pour le cours "Potentiel et énergie électriques" situé à la page

Inconel 718 is the most employed superalloy in the industry and it is often found in aerospace engines and power generation turbines. Superalloys are known as one of the most difficult group of materials to machine and therefore, tool material, tool geometry and cutting parameters should be carefully selected. Numerous researches have proven the enhanced productivity in turning of ceramic tools compared to carbide ones, while considerably less information is with regard to milling. Moreover, no knowledge has been developed about machining holes with this type of tools. More research on different machining techniques like circular ramping is critical to expand the productivity improvements that ceramics offer. This paper initially reviews prior work about ceramic tools. Then, a 3D simulation and a number of experiments with SiAlON round inserts have been carried out to evaluate the effect of the cutting speed and pitch on the tool wear and chip generation. The results show that three different types of chips are generated as well as that there are three potential wear zones. Top slice wear was identified as the most critic wear type followed by the notch wear. Flank wear and adhesion were also found in most of the tests. To conclude with, a 6.6 times more productive process than with carbide tools was achieved. Cet article étudie deux méthodes utilisées dans le cadre du transport humanitaire en cas de crise (désastre, épidémie...). Le Covering Tour Problem se focalise sur l'équité de distribution des vivres, alors que le Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem se concentre sur l'urgence de la distribution. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche mélangeant ces deux approches pour former une solution à la fois équitable et rapide. Ce article a été rédigé dans le cadre du TER 2014-2015.

La classe LaTeX Bredelebeamer est placée sous licence GNU-GPL v3. Il s'agit d'un style simple aux couleurs de Framasoft (, agrémenté de quelques boites et de modèles de tableaux. L'ensemble est adaptable selon les besoins de l'utilisateur.

A simple model for reports following french conventions. Ideal for internship reports, but can be adapted to many uses.

internship report suitable for ensiie students, with DDRS part (updated)

Template adapté aux exigences du rapport de stage de l'INSA Centre Val de Loire. Basé sur le template de l'INSA Rennes aussi disponible sur Overleaf Gallery.
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