The idea behind Quiz Challenger was to create knowledgeable environment in which user can share and enhance knowledge by giving and accepting challenge. The Quiz challenger is developed on JavaScript used for front-end and node JS used for back-end development. To dealt with database we use MongoDB.
Attempt to define various metrics directly
related to coverage per compute second; an
improvement on which furthers the desired
left shift in design verification. A part to the solution to find breaks early
in a continuous integration system, qualifying
the design prior to important milestones and
iterating over recent bug fixes or changes to
weed out related issues is proposed.
Created with the Jacobs Landscape Poster
LaTeX Template
Version 1.0 (29/03/13)
With Overleaf, edit online instantly this conference presentation (IMS 2012 example) and download a PDF version.
This project is also available on my web site
Entre las ventajas que tiene la domótica esta la protección del hogar e integración familiar, añadir valor a la vivienda, mejorar la calidad de vida (acondicionar el clima, aislamiento de equipos, encendido y apagado de luces, regular la energía y automatizar los distintos sistemas) de las personas que viven en ella y en este caso la que nos identifica es el ahorro energético que 'añade inteligencia a las casas