LaTeX templates — Conference Paper

Este template em word foi adaptado do site do COBEF

LaTeX Overleaf template for ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Note from Overleaf: SyncTeX will not work correctly with this template (as well as other templates based on similar underlying code, eg CVPR, EMNLP, etc) when the line numbers are active. To make SyncTeX function while authoring your manuscript, either on Overleaf or in your own LaTeX installation, the line numbers have to be turned off by uncommenting \aclfinalcopy.

A template for a scientific abstract for a mini-conference

Template for CONINP Congress

An unofficial LaTeX template for Transportation Research Board (TRB) submission. Repository:

This is the template for the Cryptography and Information Security Conference (CISC). Due to copyright concerns about the BiauKai font, this template uses AR PL UKai TW as the main CJK font instead. But you're still able to upload the font to Overleaf by yourself. Notice: \nocite{*} is used to display reference examples. You should delete this line. The default template is for Chinese paper, please change the following parameters to the English version. labelsep = period % English = period, Chinese = space \renewcommand{\Authsep}{~} \renewcommand{\Authand}{~} \renewcommand{\Authands}{~} \renewcommand\figurename{圖} \renewcommand\tablename{表} \renewcommand\refname{參考文獻} % comment out these lines for English paper \parindent=1em % English = 1em, Chinese = 2em

The paper template for CiiS2021

Submission Template for AH2020

ACM DIS2020 Conference Long paper format. For more information see
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