LaTeX templates — Conference Paper

Modelo de TCC para alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Automação Industrial e Sistemas Eletro-Eletrônicos

Modelo de escrita de artigos científicos usado para trabalhos de disciplinas do Inatel

Original version by Adam Summerville and Mark Nelson, from 2016. I just made a small edit so that the infoblurb on the first page matches that of the word template for Digra 2018

This is the template for submitting articles to be published in the proceedings for the annual conference of the Texas Linguistics Society (TLS).

Latex Template for articles to be submitted to SEI-SICITE 2021 (UTFPR - Guarapuava - PR - Brazil). Modelo Latex para artigos a serem submetidos para o SEI-SICITE 2021 (UTFPR - Guarapuava - PR - Brasil). More information:/Mais detalhes em:

Modelo de escrita de artigo científico para o INCITEL - Congresso de Iniciação Científica do Inatel.

This is a detailed template for paper submissions to CRoNe, Congress on Robotics and Neuroscience. CRoNe2019 is a focused, multidisciplinary event organized by the Innovation and Robotics Students group, being a meeting point for people from engineering, human and biological sciences for developing and understanding complex intelligent systems. The files contained here are based on the eLife template for journal submissions authored by Overleaf and eLife.

This is a detailed template for paper submissions to CRoNe, Congress on Robotics and Neuroscience. CRoNe2018 is a focused, multidisciplinary event organized by the Innovation and Robotics Students group, being a meeting point for people from engineering, human and biological sciences for developing and understanding complex intelligent systems. The files contained here are based on the eLife template for journal submissions authored by Overleaf and eLife.

Original version: CEUR-WS template This is the modified template version for IRCDL 2023.
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