LaTeX templates — Conference Paper

Abstract template for the NetSci 2024 conference

Extended abstract template for the differentiable programming workshop at PPoPP'24.

This is a template for the abstracts to MCQMC 2024.

This template are made for a Abstracts Booklet.

Modelo de resumo expandido do 1º Encontro Científico da Pós-Graduação em Economia da UFU.

Special Format for Publications in the Special Issue of the 'Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo' for IMFAS 2023

LaTeX template for the The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC COLING 2024)

This is the template for contributions to the ANTS 2024 conference, for further information about the conference see Springer has provided LaTeX style files and example articles to help you prepare your paper for submission to their journals. This template is for contributions to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) , based on the file from their author guidance page, with llncs.cls v2.22 (5 Sept 2022). For further information, please see their Information for LNCS Authors page, where you will find guidelines and technical instructions for the preparation of contributions.

Workshop template for the CompSust NeurIPS 2023 workshop based on the NeurIPS style file.
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