LaTeX templates and examples — Presentations
Communicate and share your work effectively with these stylish LaTeX presentation templates using Beamer or Powerdot.

Beamer template with footfull cite

A beamer template for use at University of Copenhagen following the UCPH design guide at For any suggestions, problems or bug fixes, please contact

En beamerskabelon til brug på Københavns Universitet efter KU's designguide på For forslag til ændringer, problemer eller fejlrettelser bedes du kontakte

En beamerskabelon til brug på Københavns Universitet efter KU's designguide på For forslag til ændringer, problemer eller fejlrettelser bedes du kontakte

A beamer template for use at University of Copenhagen following the UCPH design guide at For any suggestions, problems or bug fixes, please contact

A LaTeX presentation template for PU

Template para as aulas e trabalhos realizados no âmbito do Curso Superior em Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação do Instituto Federal Baiano - Campus Bom Jesus da Lapa.

V1.0 of my beamer template "mittens"

This collection of themes takes queues from NUST branding and using beamer as LaTeX template. The name namkeen is inspired from the famous Peshawari recipe of Mutton in the Northern Region of Pakistan. Namkeen gosht recipe is famous for its simplicity yet deliciousness.
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