LaTeX templates and examples — Presentations
Communicate and share your work effectively with these stylish LaTeX presentation templates using Beamer or Powerdot.

Template de apresentação

Layout per presentazioni adatto ad allievi ordinari e a chiunque, creato con documentclass beamer.

Hello Everyone I am Mirza Akbar Ali, BS Physics Student at COMSATS University Islamabad. I have modified this Beamer template to meet my requirements for my project presentations. I am sharing this template to help my fellows and others who want to use a amazingly easy and professional LaTeX beamer template for their presentation. All COMSATS University Islamabad and Sub campus students as well as teachers are encouraged to use LaTeX rather than other software. Regards and Best Wishes for you presentation. Mirza Akbar Ali

Template per presentazioni ad uso interno ma non esclusivo di allievi della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa e dell'Università di Pisa (Modified from the UC Berkeley beamer theme)

Metropolis theme ( variant with NCstate color and logos

A Metropolis-based beamer theme for the UNC Charlotte community. Official UNC Charlotte style guide color codes are included in the demo.tex file for customization.

Template for Beamer presentations in UNAM, just change the School's logo.

A template for mubeamer, a beamer theme for the typesetting of presentations at the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).

Template Sorbonne Universite
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