LaTeX templates and examples — Presentations
Communicate and share your work effectively with these stylish LaTeX presentation templates using Beamer or Powerdot.

Esta plantilla usa el tema Antibes con algunas modificaciones, respetando el uso del logotipo y la paleta de colores de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (UTB) acuerdo con el manual de identidad de la misma institución. Esta plantilla de presentación es realizada en \LaTeX, y es de uso exclusivo para los estudiantes y docentes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UTB. Se publica bajo licencia Creative Commons.

Template for Peking University (PKU) beamer presentation. Also see for more details.

Template for INT-ACT project presentations

Team for presentations with logos and theme for the University of Groningen

This is a Beamer Theme Styled After State University of Malang's (UM) Powerpoint Template.

A Beamer Theme of CUG based on the THU-Beamer-Theme. GitHub Link:

This template can be used to make a presentation in the 2022 version of the TU Delft style described here: The icons have been converted to pdf, so they can be easily included. Previous versions can be found here:

A beamer theme with background image supports.
For my fellow GEC colleagues who are tired and sick of using PowerPoints
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