Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

This article proposes to obtain a statistical model of the daily peak electricity load of a household located in Austin-TX,USA. The Box-Jenkins methodology was followed to obtain the best fit for the time-series. Four models provided a good fit: ARIMA(0,1,2), ARIMA(1,1,2), SARIMA(0,1,2)(0,1,1) and SARIMA(1,1,2)(0,1,1). The model with the highest Akaike Information Criteria was the ARIMA(1,2,2). However, the model with the highest forecast accuracy was the SARIMA(1,1,2)(0,1,1), which obtained an RMSE of 0.296 and a MAPE Of 15.00.

Fluid Report

ERCESI Weekly Report template.

The decreasing of groundwater quality has been the major issue in Tangerang area. One of the key process is the interaction between groundwater and Cisadane river water, which flows over volcanic deposits of Bojongmanik Fm, Genteng Fm, Tuf Banten, and Alluvial Fan. The objective of this study is to unravel such interactions based on the potentiometric mapping in the riverbank. We had 60 stop sites along the riverbank for groundwater and river water level observations, and chemical measurements (TDS, EC, temp, and pH). Three river water gauge were also analyzed to see the fluctuations. We identified three types of hydrodynamic relationships with fairly low flow gradients: effluent flow at Segmen I (Kranggan - Batuceper) with 0.2-0.25 gradient, perched flow at Segmen II (Batuceper-Kalibaru) with gradient 0.2-0.25, and influent flow at Segmen III (Kalibaru-Tanjungburung) with gradient 0.15-0.20. Such low flow gradient is controlled by the moderate to low morphological slope in the area. The gaining and losing stream model were also supported by the river water fluctuation data. TDS and EC readings increased more than 40% from upstream to downstream. At some points the both measurements were two times higher than the permissible limits, along with the drops of pH values at those areas. This study shows the very close interaction between Cisadane river water and groundwater in the riverbank. Therefore the authorities need to be managed the areas with a very strict regulations related to the small and large scale industries located near by the river.

A nice report I did for my Radiative Processes Course.

La solucion a un problema dado consiste en encontrar un camino desde un nodo representando el estado inicial, hasta el estado final deseado.

We develop 3 term-based models(Naive tf, log tf, and BM25), unigram language model, and Pointwise Online AdaGrad approach to select top 100 documents of each query. We use MIN((TP+FN),100) as denominator when calculating AP. We also perform some methods in preprocessing and running stage to obtain better MAP, as well less running time of the whole program. 2 rounds of scanning are needed in our system.

O filme O Congresso Futurista foi baseado na obra O Congresso Futurológico de Stanislav Lem. O filme possue partes em live-action e outras em animação. Ele conta a história de uma atriz que recebeu uma proposta para assinar um contrato no qual ela concordava em ter sua imagem digitalizada para um com- putador. Anos depois ela retorna ao estúdio para participar de um congresso e renovar a assinatura do contrato. E neste congresso ela se depara com a atual situação cinematográfica.

Time Domain Reflectometry DIT
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