LaTeX templates — XeLaTeX

A simple dark beamer theme using the Nord color theme. Repository: CTAN:

An example demonstrates how to write Cantonese characters in document with XeLaTeX on Overleaf.

TWSIAM 2020 海報論文展 LaTeX 模板

Vorlage für Proseminare und Fachprojekte

This template is for computational project/lab reports for basic science classes such as Physics, Math and Differential Equations.

Chinese CV.

Template for using the Bruno Beamer theme: Inspired from the Metropolis theme. Lightweight structure and non-intrusive colors. Gives priority on content over slide elements. Uses XeLaTeX. See for more information.


上海理工大学本科毕业设计(论文) LaTeX 模板 v2.997924 Github 项目地址: Gitee 项目地址: 个人主页:
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